Round Three: The Sentinel Gets a Clue - Master List

May 20, 2007 10:00

It’s finally time to share all the goodies! sara_merry99 and I would once again like to thank you all for participating in this round of The Sentinel Slash Ficathons! We hope you had fun with your prompts.

Post your fic in your own LJ or at your website and comment here with the following information:

URL: (do not hyperlink)

(Because we know that RL can get in the way of fandom deadlines, you have until the end of May to get your fic done, after that the Master List will not be updated. If you will be unable to complete your fic, we’d appreciate you letting us know so we can remove you from the list. Thank you!)

Master List:

by andeincascade (Earl Gaines, Beach/Waterfront/Bay, Jags Cap)

Accident Waiting for a Place to Happen (Jim/Blair, Blair/OMC; NC17; non-con) by captainlogic (Daryl Banks, Cascade Towers, Training Manual)

This House Just Ain't a Home (Jim/Blair; PG) by catclaw (Alec Summers, Loft, Flowered Apron)

Not a Sentinel-Guide Thing (Jim/Blair; PG13) by dreaming_k (Sarah Finkleman, Las Vegas, Red Heron Bait poster)

White Noise (Jim/Blair pre-slash; PG) by earth2skye (Stacey Neumann, Elevator, Keys)

The Observance of Societal Norms (Jim/Blair; NC17) by elmyraemilie (Eli Stoddard, William Ellison’s Home, Music CD (tribal drums or Santana))

by epistrophia (Dawson Quinn, Alfred’s Pond, Football)

From Pillar to Post (Jim/Blair; mild R) by janedavitt (Gustavo Alcante, Wilderness/Camp Ground/Mountains, a Wonderburger)

Floater (Jim/Blair; NC17) by maaaaa (Rucker Ellison, Peru, Surfboard)

Debrief (Jim/Blair Pre-Slash; PG) by mab_browne (Suzanne Tomaki, Simon’s Office, Crossbow)

by morgan32 (Wendy Hawthorn, Blair’s Office, Motorcycle)

by sara_merry99 (Sneaks, Maritime Museum, Simon’s Angel Figurines)

Hazy Shade of Winter (Jim/Blair; NC17) by snycock (Sally Wong, Lasting’s Park (Horse Racetrack), Backpack)

Across the Years (Jim/Blair; R) by spikedluv (Marcus Watson, Fountain, Fishing Spear)

by syrenslure (Kimberly Ashe, Police Department Garage, Bead Necklace)

Last to Know (Jim/Blair; G) by tommyboybbi (Jack Kelso, Jag’s Stadium, Back-up .38 Revolver)

master list, f03: the sentinel gets a clue

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