Whee, I think I have brain damage!

Mar 25, 2006 20:51

Been a while since a post, somethings sadly never change. However, I haveth a half-decent excuse this time.

Y'know the reputation and the nightmare stories you hear about overtime in Japan's big cities? Yeah, at first I thought they were fluke cases, but now I've been through a month of it myself. Ugh! You know you are really fucking tired when you can feel the brain cells spontaneously combust and fizzle inside your head one at a time, consecutively, non-stop!!! That's a real fucking headache. Exhaustion is fucking dangerous. Today even, my sleeping patterns are still relatively screwy.

Contemplated killing my boss but thought better to keep my options open (he could still be useful... well, he can still teach me a few things anyway). Thinking about quitting is also rather pointless because apparently the company is, I hear, indeed, going to go bankrupt (my boss is trying to help that even). However, unlike previous hearsay, my position isn't guaranteed (fucker!). There has been some other small bits and pieces going amiss here and there that are not adding up either, which is making me extremely weary of the office politics in general (too... many... idiots (you have no idea)). For some reason, I'm suspecting insincerity in my boss's confidence that things will be fine on my side (largely due to idiots, partly to his contradictory information, partly due to some miscellaneous issues).

As such, I've been digging a little, and decided on a change of course in my spare-time studies.
1. Forget the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) 1st Class, because there exists
2. The EJU (Examination for Japanese University), which is almost the same test with a few extras, and
3. I have taken a keen very interest in this: Nichi-Dai Shakai Koutsuu Kougaku (it's an english link) and
4. There exist scholarships that are potentially realistic (I've seen a current publication of a rather long list).

The problem is that this is going to be a bit of a lengthly process, but it looks like it is possible, and I have decided that I will try to go there. I'm rather concerned about being able to stick around here long enough to see it happen though, which is made longer by application processes and time I need to study enough. Not really sure what to do for a backup, but looking into investigating some old avenues.

I feel extremely positive about the idea as a whole. The idea that University is a waste of time/money and impractical? OK, fuck, my bad, I have been misguided somehow. The plus is that my college course is equal to a decent primer and is on more or less the same track. The best part though: this kind of course actually doesn't exist in North America anyway. The next best option for close matches to this subject that I could find? That one was in Sheffield, England.

Finally gotten my room in order last week! I got a buncha stuff from people desperate to get rid of things because they are moving. This includes a TV, Stereo, Computer, and extra bed space ( >;) ), among other small stuffs. The only thing that I paid for was the computer, and that was only 50 bucks. Gonna juice it up a little in the RAM department, and if I can afford it, which I probably won't, up the hertz too, and it will be able to run some good games (although in some cases by a slim margin on the graphics card angle, and some options will be unavialable as not enough graphical OOMPH! capable by the card) among other basics. I might actually take a picture, but there's still some crap I'm not exactly sure where to put or what to do with it.

I am sad though, as one of the people who moved, Eve, went back to the States (sadly due to circumstances beyond her control, she really didn't want to go back).

Student debt payments are killing me right now. I'm paying down the student debt just fine, except that I'm totally stuck in paying down my cash-in-hand debts, 100% standstill not going down at all (it's pissing me off =/), leaving me relatively broke consistently. About 2/3rds of my paycheque are gone on payday right off the bat from all monthly expenses. The funny thing is, should I get accepted to Uni, that by the time I'm attending Nichi-Dai (above mentioned link), my student debt will be completely cleared! What better time to repeat the process all over again!

It's an idea anyway. Let's see how long it lasts.
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