my TV viewing this week

Feb 03, 2014 16:48

Monday, 10 p.m., ABC: Castle 6x14, "Dressed to Kill"
Monday, 10 p.m., CBS: Intelligence 1x09, "The Rescue"*

Tuesday, 9 p.m., the CW: Supernatural 9x13, "the Purge"

Wednesday, 9 p.m., USA: Psych 8x05, "Cog Blocked"

Thursday, 8 p.m., the CW: Vampire Diaries 5x13, "Total Eclipse of the Heart"*

Friday, 9 p.m., CBS: Hawaii Five-0 4x01 "Aloha ke kahi I ke kahi" (rerun)

**Revolution returns February 26th; after the Olympics
***Once Upon A Time returns Sunday, March 9th at 8 p.m.

intelligence, 8x05, hawaii five-0, supernatural, 9x13, the vampire diaries, 1x09, castle, 5x13, psych, 6x14

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