
Jul 06, 2006 17:26

Can you even begin to believe in life? All of the quirks, the diversions, the side-line attractions, what are they for? Do they only provide a way to keep our self-involved minds busy while we're busy waiting for something real to happen to us? Or is there more to it? I've seen some of the most intersting sights of my life waiting for something else, something bigger to happen. Patience has been my biggest virtue, and the woody thorn in my side. I just can't go out and make things happen, I have gotten pretty good at getting swept up in events, and seeing them through the end. Corporate America, I am your physical embodiment. Even with my, probably non-unique, ability to believe I am somehow a part of something greater that will happen.

We've inscribed on our beloved symbol of individualism and power:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.Why do we ask for these? We serve only to further distract them, keep them yearning to breathe free, we just provide a larger box, the one we share with them. The top is open for us to climb out, but we always are trying to strech the sides out. Occasionally we manage to stretch the sides far enough we get a glimpse of what we can really do, how we can stop waiting for our lives to happen, something more than an entertaining diversion. This placates us.
What am I doing to achieve what I keep going on and on about? I've written this interesting diversion, I've spent time fussing with each obstacle, each hampster wheel set in my box. And I'm still in here, with you, and everyone else. I've been told I have strong will-power, I can accomplish anything if I just put my mind to it. Trouble is, my mind's been laying in this box since before I could move enough to bounce off a side.

I'll probably forget about this, or look back on it without realizing I even cared enough to see what the box is keeping me from (good or bad?). I don't think I'm trying to offend anyone, but then again, who am I to say what I'm trying to accomplish? Diversion...
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