Apr 08, 2006 16:51
Have you ever thought about how we have always been told to strive for things. We need to strive and work hard to become like Jesus. Maybe you haven't been told that, but you have felt like you need to work to become like Christ. Well, I have always thought that too... you know I need to become as close as I can to Christ, and the way he lives.
Yet I began thinking about this, and thinking about how I dont' really need to be like Christ. Bear with me on this one. :-) I was created Kelsie and I was not created like Christ. I do things in a different way then Christ and that is okay. I don't have to witness or do the same things as Christ. Why would God make me so different from him if that was his plan. No his plan was that I would be myself, be myself in everything. That means I witness differently, I love differently, I have a different relationship with God then him. In every way I am different, and that is okay. We are unquie and yet I think that we sometimes believe that we have to become exactly like Christ in every way. I don't think that is what God meant.
I think God did mean that the whole body of believes is to belike Christ. We all play a part and we all work differently but together, all of us together, are to be like Christ. Some of us are his hands, some of us are his feet, and some of us are his heart. We all dont' need to have everything that Christ had, we all dont' need to be everything that Christ was. But together we should be like Christ. If I am the hand but try to be the foot, I won't do things very well for the whole body. And I don't think we think about this.
Mostly not in church. I think about how we try to change the way that new teenagers act. Or get mad at the older people and the way they stick to doing things. But if you think about it, we aren't supposed to be all alike. We are supposed to work together but not be alike. It is okay if one person does something different, or if they look different. Hey the hands and feet and heart all dont' look the same or function the same. But with out them, the body can't function perfectly. Just something to think about.
I have decided that I am done changing myself. I am going to be me... and I am done trying to ask people to change themselves. We don't need to... yes again bear with me on this. We have all these books in the world how to improve the way we act, or the way we do things. We have all these self-help books. WHY? we shouldn't be trying to change ourselves. And the church has hooked into this (not everyone, or every church, just from what I have seen). That we as Christians need to strive to become perfect. We need to keep changing ourselves through out our life, so that when we are dead, we are the closest to the way Jesus was, and perfection. We strive not to fail at the same things we failed at last time. But really we shouldn't try to do that.
Did you know that there is some kind of proof that what the person you think is most important in life... what the THINK or BELIEVE that you are you become. I know this sounds weird. But here is an example... If the most important person in your life is your dad and you believe that he thinks and believes your a failure, you too will probably think your a failure. Then you will have no reason to try and succeed because you don't think you can. So you become a failure.
Now the other way around is, lets say you belive that he thinks your amazing, and beautiful, and successful. Then you to will think that, and believe that you can succeed. And even though you may fail sometimes, you have the confidence and the self-esteem that you can succeed. And you probably will.
It is also proven that you a lot of times become like you focus on. If you focus on how much you hate something that you're dad does. A lot of times when you grow up you realize that you too have those same traits. Why we might ask, and I don't really know the true answer to that question. But my opionion is, that we become what we focus on because that is what we know, that is what we are comfortable with. And we don't notice it comeing into our lives and becoming part of us.
So going back to my point earlier about how I dont think we need to change, or read these stupid self-help books that the world and even Christian writers are putting out (even though you can get many many things from Christian writers, I still read them, but not for the purpose of changing myself).
I think we as Christians have it all wrong. We dont' need to change our lives, or our characteristics, we need to change our focus. If make God and Christ our number one in our life, and if we make them the most important thing/person in our life then their oppionion of us will matter most. And God believes in us, he believes that we can do all things, he loves us. Our identity needs to change from Kelsie- college student, waitress, horseback rider... ect. To Kelsie- The one God loves, and believes in. We need to change our focus from the things we hate about people, and change it to Christ. Read his word, believe what he thinks about us, admire the things he has done and the way he does them.
When we change these two things in our lives, then we should automatically start changing into what Christ is and succeed in our faith. Yes we won't succeed every time and we won't ever become like Christ completely (look at note above) but we dont' have to strive to change or try changing ourselves to become like Christ. If our focus is right then we will change without even knowing it.
Hmmm... so in the times where we feel like we can't do anything right and that we aren't changing. Many times, at least in my life, those are the times that my focus is right and I look back and realize that I have grown and am more the way that God made us to be. That I have matured in Christ. Its kinda cool to look back.
Okay, thanks for bearing with me, and for reading my scatterbrained thoughts... if you understood them. ;-) Have an amazing day!