
May 08, 2007 09:57

                                                Philosophy on Life

Life is a Videogame
  • General
    • Too much is bad for your vision and sanity.
    • Even though you know it’s pointless you still can’t help but play.
    • All the really bad stuff seems to happen to you or your friends.
    • It’s more fun to be off on your own or with a few close friends than walking through town trying to figure out which random person is going to charge you way too much for something you really don’t want to start with.
    • The people who talk too much are boring
    • No one likes sore losers or bragging winners
    • Everyone wants the high score
    • Parents always hate it when you have one even though they more than likely gave it to you
    • When experiencing any strong emotion everyone over reacts, usually jumping around, arms flailing, and screaming. And they always look retarded doing it.
    • When something happens, no matter how minor, everyone panics leaving the only one with any sense, who’s usually a five year old kid or a plumber, alone to fix it.
    • Most people take it too seriously when everyone knows it’s more fun if you just relax and go with it.
    • Most of the time its either too hard, confusing, kiddy, or gory to be taken seriously.
    • If you take it too seriously you look stupid
    • Take it too seriously and you’ll die.
    • In the end, everyone has pretty much the same ending.
    • When you finally get to the end you’re left there with a stupid look on your face and have no idea what comes next.
    • You mess up one too many times and the games over.
    • Even if you don’t mess up the game will end
    • You’re going to mess up.
    • Sometimes you just can’t help but do something stupid just because you know the outcome is going to be hilarious.
    • If you skip some seemingly pointless step in the beginning it comes back to bite you in the butt later.
    • When everything gets really easy and you’re not in over your head you know you’ve either missed something or all hells about to break loose.
    • Even if you manage to send your problems over to someone else they will either send them right back or a new one will appear.
    • If a virus shows up you slow down while everything else speeds up.
    • When you finally figure out what the next step is you’re missing what you need to take it.
    • The more technology advances the harder it is to understand what’s going on
    • The older you get the more confusing everything becomes and pointless it all seems.
    • More often the not the music sucks.
    • As soon as the horrible background music ends it starts all over again.
    • Even if you do mute the music you’ve already heard it so many times before its running through your head so much you might as well be listening to it.
    • The computer geeks always end up on top.
    • There’s always someone who’s better at it than you
    • Some people are naturally good at it and others hate them for it
    • Cuts into valuable sleep time
    • Try to take one on and you instantly have no time for anything else
    • As soon as you seem to have enough gold something comes along and it all seems to explode from you and your left trying to chase it down helplessly
  • Tetris
    • Random crap seems to fall from the sky and you have to figure out where to put it before the next piece falls.
    • Even when there’s no where to put it you still have to put it somewhere
    • The piece you really need doesn’t exist
  • Mario
    • No matter how big you get even the smallest person can still take you right back down to size
    • Eating the wrong mushrooms, flowers, and frogs can cause some seriously weird effects
    • Even if you get to fly its always temporary.
  • Wii
    • More often than not your stumbling around trying to beat up something that’s not even there
    • Even if you win you still look retarded.
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