Yuletide recs!

Dec 29, 2014 16:49

yuletide, recs

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Comments 13

amberdreams December 29 2014, 17:15:47 UTC
Flippin' heck woman, back with a bang or what? No need to ask what you've been up to, hey. Reading! LOL
I think Pride might be my film of the year... it was sooooo good. And yep, I was sobbing by the end. Totally wrecked.


tryfanstone December 30 2014, 12:34:43 UTC
Oh, if only someone would pay me to read! (But honestly, I do the next best thing, so.)

Pride was excellent, wasn't it? So perfectly reminiscent of that particular period - amazing.

Hope all is well with you! Happy holidays up there in the Frozen North! (Although if you get major snow again I am so going to try and wrangle a trip up, just for the making of snowmen!)


amberdreams December 30 2014, 12:45:40 UTC
I'm not sure Suffolk counts as north... though if you were to head this way I'd love to meet you.


tryfanstone December 30 2014, 12:50:28 UTC
OMG no! I don't know what I was thinking - I'm sorry! It is the frozen fens for you...


fredbassett December 29 2014, 18:21:41 UTC
Your recs are always great. I loved the one for the Weirdstone! That was fab.


tryfanstone December 30 2014, 12:39:35 UTC
I know! So very well done - I really loved it, and I honestly hadn't thought to look for fic. Joys of Yuletide!

Luckily, I have a friend who is seriously into Alan Garner, so whatever tiny publisher he picks we are still able to get his books...

Hope very much all is well down there - V says, disconcertingly quiet of people, but as she was running at crazy hours of the morning I am not altogether surprised!

(I seem to say this every year, but these past couple have been rather tied up elsewhere. But shall I message if I actually manage to book a flight? It'd be grand to catch up.)


fredbassett December 31 2014, 18:49:20 UTC
Funnily enough, Garner got a mention today. I was at my brother's funeral, and it was him who introduced me to the Weirdstone at age 8 when he had to take me to the doctors for hayfever. I put that bit in to what I wrote for the funeral. I'll re-read soon in memory of him. I'm also overdue for a full re-read of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, as he was responsible for that, to.

Yes, do message me if you;re coming down. I'd love to meet up again.


tryfanstone December 31 2014, 19:19:51 UTC


aerynsun5 December 30 2014, 02:49:45 UTC
I was just thinking about you this morning and that I had to email you and wave the holiday hands! Now, because I'm a stupidly lazy, very bad friend, I can leave a comment instead!

Thanks for the recs. I'll have to put them on my list, because I'm a couple of months behind on even opening posts, much less reading and commenting. Soon, though, I promise to post My Encounter with Homeland Security, or How I Discovered that I Never Would Have Made It through the Blitz. This will partially explain why I'm so behind.

Best wishes for the new year.


tryfanstone December 30 2014, 12:46:43 UTC
Waving back, with more than a little regret - I just haven't been around to keep up with people, and I'm sorry. But I am all in favour of being lazy and very bad friends! - I think it's an archaeological thing? You know you're going to meet the same people again at some point, somewhere, (usually on the phone saying, hi, can I sleep on your sofa for the next three weeks!)and that friendship is not going to go away just because you don't speak for a couple of years!

But - I am so intrigued. My Encounter with Homeland Security???!!! - is bail required? I have not yet orchestrated a prison break out, but would be perfectly willing to give it a try (provided no death is involved) should it be necessary?


lferion December 30 2014, 07:35:40 UTC
I shall definitely have to look these all out.

Glad to see you enjoying Yuletide!


tryfanstone December 30 2014, 12:48:52 UTC
Yuletide has been the first time I felt things were getting back to normal - but every time I say that I discover I have lied through my teeth! Fingers crossed for the new year.

Hope so much all is well with you, and that you too had an excellent yuletide - I have been thinking of you these past few weeks, for obvious reasons!


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