Yuletide recs!

Dec 29, 2014 16:49

yuletide, recs

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amberdreams December 29 2014, 17:15:47 UTC
Flippin' heck woman, back with a bang or what? No need to ask what you've been up to, hey. Reading! LOL
I think Pride might be my film of the year... it was sooooo good. And yep, I was sobbing by the end. Totally wrecked.


tryfanstone December 30 2014, 12:34:43 UTC
Oh, if only someone would pay me to read! (But honestly, I do the next best thing, so.)

Pride was excellent, wasn't it? So perfectly reminiscent of that particular period - amazing.

Hope all is well with you! Happy holidays up there in the Frozen North! (Although if you get major snow again I am so going to try and wrangle a trip up, just for the making of snowmen!)


amberdreams December 30 2014, 12:45:40 UTC
I'm not sure Suffolk counts as north... though if you were to head this way I'd love to meet you.


tryfanstone December 30 2014, 12:50:28 UTC
OMG no! I don't know what I was thinking - I'm sorry! It is the frozen fens for you...


amberdreams December 30 2014, 12:57:31 UTC
These days I'm lucky I can remember anything at all so I'm the last person to critisise! LOL Plus you have prompted me to check out Alan Garner again and I just ordered Boneland. And I've downloaded that WWII fic to read - it sounded so good.

Now I need to get back to writing my super-disney - I'm so behind! At least I managed to finish my Black Cauldron art early so that's submitted ready to post whenever.


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