Freygang-Higbie 2020

Nov 03, 2004 18:34

I've lost faith in the American people. Not because Kerry didn't win, but because George W. Bush did. Dubbya has proved over the last 4 years what an incompetent and poor president he's been, unable to think for himself. He has conspired with special interest groups, lobbyists, and granted benefits to all his old friends in business. Not to mention he started a war with Iraq, that is completely unnecessary. That is only the tip of the iceberg. Here is what really kills me: After everything, all he has done, the american people are ignorant enough to put their faith in him. Ask yourself what he has done to better YOUR life. Now weigh that against all the ways he has negatively impacted your life. Now multiply that number times the 2000 soldiers he sent to their deaths for weapons of mass destruction that don't exist, to liberate a people who don't want to be liberated and resent our occupation. Add the thousands of wounded. Add about 400,000 soldiers, spouses and families, who have been forced into another several months in Iraq, who have been deprived of benefits normally granted to the families of soldiers, who will have no jobs when they return. I would rather have a ham sandwich was our Commander in Chief at this point. Those of you who voted for Bush so that he could restrict and interfere in lives that are none of your business, good job, oppression is the american way. You can call Gay marriage whatever you want, if you don't believe in it, then don't, but who are you to tell others what's best for them? Not everyone shares your beliefs, and I don't know where you figure that it is your responsibility to impose them on other people. The original settlers of America came here to escape religious persecution that you have no job applying to others. You know nothing, you are not the authority on what is right. It's funny, not too long ago, it was quite all right to say Blacks weren't people. All those people who enslaved the African American race, they were right too. We should be promoting liberty, not seeing what rights we can restrict. If you don't like it, fine, it doesn't affect you, don't even concern yourself with it. Back to the main issue. How then did Ol'George get re-elected? Because the american people did their civic duty and voted with almost no real knowledge of anything. They believed everything they heard, because, it's not like a politician would tell them what they wanted to hear just so the people would vote or them. That's preposterous. Or maybe you know do know a little bit, but then, you are just voting for the guy who will make you the most money. It's all about you anyway, forget contributing for the betterment of society and the great nation you so avidly stand by. Ok, that one was sort of skewed, I'm sure I wouldn't necessarily want the government to take my hard earned money. Back in the day, they used to display wealth by creating huge public works projects. Helping people wasn't mandatory, it was the cool thing to do, not anymore. You can't expect everyone to be selfless with their money though. Maybe we should invest some money in voter education, but then, who wants voters that think for themselves and vote based on what is best for the country. Who are informed and smart enough to see through political tricks. The fact of the matter is that our nation is in dire need of party reform. Including Nader, who has such a puffed-up ego. Little known fact: Nader's campaign was financed by the republican party. Do some research and you'll see. George Bush encouraged his investors to donate to the Nader campaign in order to draw votes away from the Democrats, and Nader in all his protest against lobbyists, became the ultimate lobbyist puppet.

In short, please, for the love of God and all that is Holy, don't be a lemming. Do your real civic duty, and get informed. Help the nation as a whole. Let's make American a land of freedom, not one of oppression.

Take it from Coldplay:
"Give me one 'cause one is best

In confusion, confidence
Give me peace of mind and trust
Don't forget the rest us
Give me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
Wounds that heal and cracks that fix
Tell me your own politik

And open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes
Just open up your eyes"
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