[Locked to Asuka, Kaworu, and Minato // Strong lock, very difficult to hack]

Sep 21, 2009 12:00

Nagisa-san has brought it to my attention that Major Katsuragi is pursuing and investigation aimed toward apprehending Asuka-san and himself. I answered some of her questions, not realizing the aim of her investigation, but I have a bad feeling about all of this.

I fear I may have put you all in danger. While I did not reveal your exact location (as I don't actually know where your apartment is located) I feel that it is my responsibility to make sure that all of you are safe from the Major's grasp. Especially you, Minato-kun. Family has to look out for one another.

So I'm offering to shelter you at the Shirogane estate until such a time that the Major calls off her investigation. It's located in the Yasoinaba region in a secluded backwoods property. Visitors or any sort of traffic is quite rare, which makes it the perfect hiding place. There are a number of guest rooms, so you needn't worry about sleeping arrangements. I will make sure that the servants offer you as much privacy as you desire.

And, if need be, Grampa can pull a few strings with the Kirijo Group and order a small bodyguard detail, should it be deemed necessary.

Please, let me know what you think about all of this. I know I've been kept busy working on this latest case, but I'm not so busy as to ignore my friends and family if their lives are in danger.

((OOC: Is this okay guys? Hopefully, the plot you had planned with Misato will work out now! If I need to change anything, let me know!))

asuka soryu langley, kaworu nagisa, fml, why god why?, minato arisato

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