[Open RL |Hogwarts Virus 01]

Sep 11, 2010 20:24

[Here we see Naoto sitting in the Great Hall, chatting up some friends during lunch.]

...So, I told him I'd show him where I found the book in the library. [She pops open a milk carton and drinks from it. Pulls a face.] Yuck! This milk tastes spoiled! What are they thinking, serving milk past its expiration date...? [As Naoto turns to look at the side of the carton, her eyes widen.]

Oh, not again...

[She clutches at her throat, gagging. Pitches forward onto the table, scattering some dishes. She stares at her other hand as the flesh boils and bubbles, like melting candle wax. The students sitting beside her flinch away as Naoto moans in pain. Seams burst open along the back of her fitted shirt as her shoulders broaden. Arms and legs lengthen past their cuffs. Her strangled cries lower in pitch...]

D-Dammit all--!

[Taking a few gasping breaths, Naoto shakily pushes away from the table. What was once a petite, androgynous girl is now a tall, strapping boy wearing clothes far too small for his muscular frame. His blue hair is a bit longer, framing a sculpted face, albeit one twisted by anger and embarrassment. If you took Kanji Tatsumi and shoved him into a set of Naoto's clothes... you can imagine the discomfort Naoto must be feeling right now... Especially with all the torn seams exposing his rather toned physique.]

We're not even finished with the first week of school and I've already been Polyjuice'd... [Naoto slams a sizable fist on the tabletop, causing the glasses to rattle. I swear, when I get my hands on the culprit... I'll make them suffer for my humiliation!

[Perhaps someone should try to calm Naoto down? Or, at the very least, offer him a change of clothes?]

superbi squalo, !virus, kuro, alphonse elric, fml, hogwarts virus, arthur, naoto is not pleased, kanji tatsumi

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