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stripping March 21 2010, 12:20:37 UTC
I'm so glad that you're alright and victorious. But of course, I was sure of it.


truthinfortune March 21 2010, 18:18:02 UTC
I had no doubt in my mind that we would win, because we had Senpai on our side to lead us. The strength of our bonds allowed Senpai to summon Izanagi-no-Okami and paved the way for a new world...

I'm glad I was able to meet him. Tomorrow, we say good-bye...


stripping March 21 2010, 18:19:59 UTC
But not forever. You will still keep in touch with him. The bonds you have forged are unbreakable.


truthinfortune March 21 2010, 20:57:52 UTC
Right. Good-bye isn't the same as farewell. We will meet each other again soon enough, I'm sure of it.

Still, this town is going to feel a little more empty once Senpai leaves. He's touched the hearts of so many people. We're all going to miss him so much.


stripping March 21 2010, 21:01:04 UTC
You'll go on with your lives. I'm certain of that much.


truthinfortune March 21 2010, 21:18:42 UTC
We have to. It's what Senpai would want us to do. As long as we still have each other, no sadness will live in our hearts for very long. Besides, the spring term will start in a few weeks, so we'll have school and work to occupy our time.


stripping March 21 2010, 21:24:09 UTC
Of course. Don't let your melancholy feelings get in the way of your studying, or I shall be very disappointed.


truthinfortune March 21 2010, 21:44:25 UTC
I won't. I managed to make top marks in school, even after enrolling in the middle of term and have to deal with everything inside the TV world.

But until then, I want to take advantage of the short break between terms and spend time with my friends and loved ones. I think I'll return to the estate for a while and stay with Grampa. It's been ages since I've seen him.


stripping March 21 2010, 21:52:49 UTC
You never regret spending too much time with your family.


truthinfortune March 21 2010, 22:39:59 UTC
Indeed. I may not have been able to introduce Senpai to Grampa, but at least I can introduce my other friends. One day, though, I'll bring Senpai to the estate. I think Grampa would be more than happy to meet a prospective detective.


stripping March 21 2010, 22:41:10 UTC
I'm sure he would, as well. It's always good to meet a newcomer to the field.


truthinfortune March 22 2010, 00:18:37 UTC
I have no doubt that Senpai would make a great detective. I'm looking forward to the day when we'll be able to work side by side.


stripping March 22 2010, 00:22:33 UTC
I look forward to watching you two in action!


truthinfortune March 23 2010, 02:03:33 UTC
Well, I think it will be a while yet before that happens! Everyone is thinking about university (with the exception of Kanji) but you never really know what the future holds...


stripping March 23 2010, 02:08:12 UTC
Ah, university. The next great adventure, after high school. I almost regret not going.


truthinfortune March 23 2010, 02:23:48 UTC
I want to attend not so much for the educational opportunities, but for the opportunity to meet like-minded, intelligent people. I've always dreamed of studying abroad in Cambridge, but now... I have so many ties to Inaba, I'm not certain if I want to study outside the country anymore...


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