Mar 22, 2005 21:07
the most painful thign to the human flesh is beign opened. Consider this - whenever we are cut or lacerated, it hurts. Blood comews out. It scares us . That blood is our life force. that blood circulates throuhg us, gives u what we need to operate, to survive. That blood is our energy. So let us look at our feelings as blood. What was one of the seven plagues? For the rivers to become blood. In this way, what was made pure and natural became human - much like adam and eve's fall from grace.
So blood is important to us. It si imprtoant we retain it.
So are our feelignas as our blood. A clsoe friend of mine ocne asked, if you do soemthing too often, deos it really mean something?
My point here si that feeligns are like blood. We hold them in, inside oruselves, we don';t wnat to elt them loose. We often associate our feeligns with emotions, btu feeligns and emotions are different. Emotions are mroe physical, they are moer tmemeproral. feelins are further in. Our emotiosnw e wear pon our outside, we use and morph them for oru perceived needs. Butt heyc ontrol us too, cloduign oru perception. our feeligns, hwoever, coemf rom our perception - well, rather, they are behind our perception, not influenced by it or for it, as emotions are. They are a form of perception. Our feelings perceive inward and outward. They are our tangible knowledge of life, our link to it, as is blood. So we are afraid to share these feelings. It is an emotional protection to keep our perceived lifelink from being spread thin. And yes, my close friend is right, do not share them too often. Share with with someone who will understand.