∞ all the lonely faces (squarewarts)

Aug 11, 2010 16:30

i.d. card;

serah farron;

house; hufflepuff
age; nineteen
staff position; literature, 3-5
personality blurb; Serah is very mature and brave for her age. She also graduated Hogwarts with top marks. She can also troll very sweetly, although that's usually reserved for her older sister. On the flip side, she's quite a romantic and can be very naive and idealistic concerning some things. Really, she just wants to be able to be around the people she loves.
quote; "I just wanted you to see that you're not the most mature person sometimes, either."
other info; Totally has a collection of romance novels in her office. Has lesson plans organised months in advance. Secretly loves junk food, and not so secretly loves Quidditch.

sky brigade.
Serah's beloved sister. While these two aren't as close as they used to be, Serah loves her big sis very much. She feels guilty about not making more of an effort to keep in contact, and allowing them to become so distant, but... hopefully she can make things up to her somehow? In a way that doesn't involve physical violence (towards Snow)? They seem to be making some progress at Hogwarts, though! Serah is excite.

Serah's fianceeee. She loves him more than (almost) anything in the world and longs for the day when Light will accept him. Beware of cute when Serah gets on to the subject of Snow, since she is a teenage girl ~in love~. Plus they are a very derpy, cute and romantic couple. Serah's glad that Lightning seems to be the only one who disapproves of him, now.

Vanille is really fun to talk to, despite her kookiness! Not that her kookiness is a bad thing, because Serah actually thinks it's a pretty cool thing. They totally became bros during the inferi invasion when they kicked some zombie ass. Oh, and Vanille takes care of a lot of cute and fluffy animals, so. BFFS 4 LYF.

Fang is Lightning's bro and trolls her excellently, something which Serah can appreciate. Serah genuinely likes Fang and would like to get to know her better; she's glad that Lightning's actually made friends at Hogwarts, too. Especially trolling friends. They're gonna be the best of bros one day. 8)

Hope is a student in Serah's literature class and so of course she likes him. He's also very serious business about literature, which is a huge plus. They bonded over the inferi invasion with their Sky Brigade awesomeness; Serah thinks he's a very cute kid, lol, despite only being a few years younger.

Sazh and Serah also got to know each other more during the big zombie fight, because Sazh has an epic flaming car Eidolon. He's also a retired Quidditch star, and Serah loves Quidditch a whole lot, so this wins him gazillions of points automatically. He's definitely gonna be the group dad.


staff & students.
Reno doesn't seem to like her older sister very much, which... is not all that surprising to Serah, considering Lightning's attitude. But Serah thinks he's an all right guy! Plus he appreciated her trolling Lightning attempt.

Another person who likes to troll Lightning? There seem to be a lot of them around. They should form a club! It would be golden.

Aerith was in Serah's year at school; so she's glad to know somebody around here! They weren't that close when they went through school together, but Serah has always thought Aerith was really nice and friendly. Obviously they need to talk more.


Also somebody who seems to appreciate her trolling of Lightning! Okay, possibly everyone in Hogwarts does. Serah really enjoys talking to Alyss, since they seem to get along quite well. Also, she is the Queen of Wonderland. How awesome is that?

Ashe kind of told Serah off for her trollish post, which Serah thought she deserved. She's actually sort of glad to know there's someone standing up for her big sis. She hopes next time, though, she'll make a better impression lol.

Lightning's Jedi Master; or at least, he was. Now bros with Lightning and likes to troll her, which... hey, Serah doesn't complain about. He does call her kid, though. 8| Other than that, Serah is fond.

Lightning's co-worker. Really seems to know his stuff about DADA; possibly the one class she didn't get top marks in. Serah doesn't know him well, but she'd like to! Even though that applies to all staff members :|a

A really creepy student. Like... really creepy. Serah is just going to try and avoid him s-sob. Especially since he made up some story about hooking up with Lightning. Which was quite scarring, geez.


!ooc, !relationships

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