Oct 23, 2012 13:20
Finally, I've heard back from that ultra-busy chick cop I went on a 1st date with a couple of weeks ago. She did say she is rather too busy to date anyone but her boyfriend right now, given she has a teen daughter, a job, and has to work overtime a lot to make ends meet. Well, that's just for right now, but in a year or so, she won't need a babysitter for her daughter so I'm trying to keep my flag in her life for when that happens.
For posterity's sake, here's the text msg dialogue:
10/18/12 - me: Hi cutie! How are you doing and what do you think of the Community Safety Act? If you feel like doing a "stop and frisk" of me for no other reason than just because, don't worry, I wouldn't hold it against you.
me: No comment, huh? Lol. I am just being cute...
10/21/12 - me: You're not stuck in a box, are you? If so, I can come rescue you. (she just moved to a new house and had a lot of boxed to unpack).
- Her: Omg baby I'm so sorry I've been sooooo busy!!! And now I'm swamped w work for a huge meeting at the police headquarters tomorrow.
- me: I am sure you will hit it out of the park between your intellect and people skills. Got get 'em tiger! Hugs!
- Her: Ty babe hope your well
- me: I'm looking forward to hearing about it when you get a moment. On my end, am doing well - got another new client today, made $ 267 in 10 mins on stock market this morning, and am feeling all smiley to hear youre doing well and have just been swamped.
- Her: Aweeee. Stock market huh? Admittedly I don't know much bout it.
- me: The stock market moves on the news. To be good at it, one needs: a calm-even temperament, patience, be good at recognizing patterns, and be willing to and have the time to do good research. My iq score shows a 99%+ level for pattern recognition, so that helps a lot. Lol.
- Her: Lol
- me: Now, if only I could figure out how to add and subtract without counting on my fingers heehee
- Her: Silly girl
- me: You know it sweety =D
I'm feeling good about her, as much as one can from just one date and a few phone calls/texts. Bonus that she's bi and has a boyfriend, so likely wouldn't care if I have a boyfriend too. All good on paper so far, and I like her vibe and her looks so far.