(no subject)

Jan 27, 2010 02:42

I have a step or half sibling.
I have velvet pants.
I have a t-shirt from a museum exhibit.
I’ve been to Dunkin’ Donuts before.
I’ve been on the subway. [Sooo much better than driving everywhere]
I usually get movies from the library.
I’m scared of heights. [But it doesn't really bother me on roller coasters. Werid, I know.]
I should be asleep right now.
I have something that smells like mint.
I have spare batteries.
My speakers are off right now.
My computer is in my bedroom.
I only have one blanket on my bed.
I own or have owned a teddy bear. [I have tons of stuffed animals and had these awesome giant bears when I was little]
I’ve memorized Bohemian Rhapsody.
I’ve played Runescape.
I like to make lists.
I’ve listened to the Beach Boys.
I am very flexible. [Well, I think I am]
In bookstores, I walk around with my head tilted sideways.
I’m wearing a hoodie.
I know a lot of weird facts.
I’ve watched Nightmare on Elm Street before.
I know what papillon means in English. [Alice has it tattooed on her foot!]
Sufjan Stevens makes me happy.
I wish my nose was smaller.
Who lives in North Dakota, anyway?
I like to eat goldfish. [I love the fishes 'cause they're so delicious!]
I get at least three e-mails per day.
I smile a lot.
I use “however” instead of “but” when writing an essay.
I’ve seen The Breakfast Club.
I’ve had a burping contest with someone.
And I won the contest. [I can beat Bryce but Amy puts me to shame]
I like sharing books with my friends.
I usually recognize the poets my English teacher talks about.
A stranger has given me a high five for no reason.
I’ve been to a Harry Potter book release party.
I usually need to be reminded to eat.
I have tiny hands. [I don't think so?]
I like to look for shapes in the plaster on my ceiling. [I used to do this at our old house]
I prefer pencils to pens.
I write on my hands when I need to remember something.
I’ve been to a roller skating rink. [My aunt teaches at Skate World. Heck yes.]
I own a piece of clothing that is rainbow patterned.
I own a piece of clothing with skulls on it.
I am extremely patient. [lol no]
I wish I could dance well.
I’ve been to an ice skating rink. [I have permanent bumps on my knees from it, haha]
I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night.
I’ve been on the high honor roll.
I have a purse with flowers on it. [lol Vera Bradley addict]
I love to people watch.
I’ve written an acrostic poem.
I have bad posture.
I’ve fallen asleep in class.
I am very easily embarrassed. [I used to be but I don't care much anymore, haha]
I liked to make up stories when I was a kid.
Whenever I ride my bike, I’m tempted to start singing Bicycle Race.
I take prescription creams/face washes/pills for acne.
I drink milk daily.
I’ve been told I act like I’m on drugs.
I’ve been told I look like I’m on drugs.
I have my hair up in a bun.
I own something Beatles-related.
I don’t use the caps lock key often.
I have very strong opinions. [On certain things, yes]
I love to eat grinders.
I don’t call long sandwiches grinders.
Teachers have asked me if I’m depressed.
More than once.
I don’t care what you think of me.
I have a toothache.
Wonderwall is my “I like someone” song.
There’s a book beside or on my bed. [Two on my nightstand right now]
I hate innuendo.
I really admire improvisational comedians. [Hell, I wish I could do that]
I don’t like gym class.
I am going to do better this academic year.
I don’t use the word fag. Ever.
I’ve been told I have a beautiful singing voice. [LOLOLOL FOREVER]
I can read Shakespeare without translations. [I don't know if I could anymore]
I adore English class.
I know what the kinsey scale is.
I read more than one book at a time.
I love places that sell dollar-a-cup coffee.
The Magic School Bus taught me a lot.
I liked to dance on the kitchen table as a kid.
I’ve lived with a relative for more than a year.
I hate sharing a bed.
I cried a lot as a kid.
My friends have excellent taste in music.
I know what I want to be when I grow up.
I like to drink coke zero. [I can't stand regular Coke]
I watched Labyrinth only because David Bowie was in it.
I bite my nails a lot. [Not nearly as much as I used to]
I’ve been to a music festival.
I’ve gotten sunburnt before.
And it bled. [No, but I've had one blister. It's sick]
I hate the noise vacuums make.
I prefer showers to baths.
Jeffree Starr is way overrated.
I don’t like my mouse pad.
I love people who look classy.
My nail polish is chipped.
I’m going to read a book today. [Heroes Die, bitches]
My mattress is on the floor.
I am an insomniac.
Cabaret punk is love.
I have a DVD I want to watch. [Lord of the Rings: Return of the King but my first disc is missing!]
I’m a really picky eater.
I take ibuprofen a lot.
I tan very easily.
The sun is shining right now.
I love yellow Jell-O. [There's yellow Jell-o?]
I’ve made Popsicles with an ice cube tray, juice and toothpicks.
And I called them ghetto pops.
I’ve never met my neighbors.
I’ve drawn on the street with chalk.
I’ve been in a tree house.
Tire swings are really fun.
I love abandoned places. [CHIPPEWA LAKE!]
I have a plastic bag near me.
I only watch TV when I’m really bored.
I can’t wait to graduate.
I’ve pulled an all-nighter so I would be really tired the next night.
I really hate needles.
I get along with my parents. [More often than not]
My font on aim is tiny.
I don’t use aim.
I fall in love with songs that have beautiful lyrics.
I listen to anti-folk.
I have no idea what anti-folk is.
I like to blow bubbles.
I’ve won a hula hooping contest before.
I’ve almost drowned.
I’ve choked on something. [I often choke on my own spit or my drinks, and when I was younger I choked on a cheese stick at Denny's]
I’ve taken a first aid course.
One of my friends is in a different state right now.
I’ve been to Chicago. [I might get to go in the summer!]
I really like mohawks, but I would never get one.
I am always warm.
I have some weird eating habits.
I like to spin in desk chairs.
I have a beta fish.
I have big lips.
Tape is way better than glue.
I like stickers.
I’ve worn black jelly bracelets before.
There is a type of music that I think is awful.
My favorite girl from The Hills is Audrina.
No, I prefer LC.
I don’t have texting on my phone.
I prefer New York to California. [I've only been to NY, so I can't judge]
I’ve read all the Harry Potter books.
Lord of the Rings too. [Just the movies]
My cell has a cover on it. [Sometimes]
I want to get a tattoo that has to do with a band.
My family doesn’t eat dinner together.
I’m worried that I won’t get into any college.
I’m already in college! [GRADUATED]
I own more than one flannel shirt.
School is very important to me.
I’d live on the beach if I could.
Avocado is sooooo good.
I can speak five languages fluently.
One of my friends already has a kid.
I drive everywhere.
I’m currently texting more than 3 people.
My best friend wears the same size clothes as I do.
I’ve only been in one serious relationship. [I've been in a couple long ones but I'd only consider one serious]
One of my parents is gay.
I rescued my pet from the animal shelter.
I want to live in many different states when I’m older.
I hardly ever go to the movies.
I’ve liked one of my favorite bands for many years.
I’m looking for a serious relationship right now.
A lot of Starbucks are closing by my house.
We don’t have H&M in my state.
That’s my favorite store.
I never order things online.
I’m constantly listening to music.
US History fascinates me.
Oranges are the best fruit.
I have lactose intolerance. [WOMP WOMP]
I always watch the National Spelling Bee on TV.
I’m on a family plan.
Parties aren’t my scene.
I’ve lost friends throughout my life and I’m okay with that.
There are some friends I still wish I had.
Fake nails look gross.
I own an oyster card.
My birthday is in the fall.
2008 was a horrible year for me.
Actually, it was the best.
I’ve been on a cruise before.
I like chemistry more than biology.
I like taking surveys more than making them. [???]
I absolutely despise the color pink.
I don’t have a significant other.
I get all four seasons where I live.
I only shop when I absolutely have the need to.
I have an older brother.
I have my driver’s license.
I don’t want to have kids.
I wear more jeans than shorts. [Most of the year it's too cold for shorts, haha]
I’d rather wear sneakers than high heels.
I don’t go to church.
I’m very much into heavy metal music.
I own like, a hundred hoodies. [Or two drawers?]
I couldn’t draw to save my life.
I’m a very good cook.
I always have to look at the keyboard when I type.
I’ve had surgery before.
I don’t mind getting shots all that much.
I’m not afraid of bugs.
I love hot, hot weather! [NO]
I have huge eyes and long lashes.
I’m naturally very pale.
I’m usually not very picky at all when it comes to food.
My parents are divorced.
I’m not addicted to doing surveys, but I find myself doing them anyway.
I’m addicted to MySpace.
I don’t have a Facebook account.
I have perfect vision and don’t need glasses or contacts.
I don’t wear makeup when I go out. [I hardly ever wear makeup]
I hate stores like Forever 21.
I’m very much into sports. [I really enjoy watching them]
I don’t see what the big deal about photography is.
Or fashion design.
I don’t really appreciate art that much.
Horror movies are my favorite.
I don’t care if people cut in line in front of me.
I don’t even remember the last time I put on a piece of jewelry.
My hair is naturally straight.
I have more friends online than I do in real life.
My siblings are all older than I am.
My significant other is older than I am.
I curse in almost every sentence I speak.
I get straight A’s in exams.
I don’t know how to play any instrument.
I only know how to speak one language.
I don’t have my own personal blog.
I’m allergic to something.
I’ve been stung by a bee at least once in my life.
This is the last survey I’m doing today.
I have seen someone propose in public before.
And they got rejected, poor bloke.
I wonder if I will ever get proposed to in public.
Heck I don’t even know if I’ll ever get married.
I know what a sake bomb is.
I’ve tried it before.
I’ve watched ‘Paris Hilton’s My New BFF’.
I think Paris Hilton is a brainless bitch.
I celebrate Chinese New Year.
I’m not Chinese or a tiny bit Asian at all.
I have a step-sibling.
I have a weak tolerance of alcohol.
Are you kidding me? I can drink all night long!
I want a new cell phone.
I have my own bathroom.
I sleep on a single bed.
Nah, I have a King/Queen size bed! [I have a double]
I think one night stands are no biggie.
I’ve been on a helicopter before.
I’m actually afraid of heights.
My date rented a limo to take me to prom.
Pfft, I wish I had a date.
I haven’t had my prom yet.
I like clicking on advertisements.
Pop-up ads are so old school.
I recently took a bath.
I never bother, I just take showers.
My Christmas holidays were the bomb!
Ugh, mine sucked like hell.
I’d love to go to Japan one day.
I’ve seen a ghost before.
I can write lyrics!
I can, but I’m not very good at it.
I would like to become a musician one day.
I love finding things in sofa cracks.
Black people can sing really well.
So can Filipinos!
Really, anyone with talent can do that.
I know someone that’s trying very hard to fit in a stereotype.
Every cup of water I drink equals to a trip to the toilet.
I recently received my exam results.
They were quite good!
Nope, failed it all.
It’s my boyfriend’s birthday today.
He never gives me gifts.
He buries me with them.
I wish I had a boyfriend that actually spends money on me!
I love him very much. [More than words can express]
The Beatles rock my world. [I don't think they're the best thing ever, but I really enjoy and appreciate them]
Actually, a lot of classic rock bands rock my world.
It takes me a really long while to get to sleep.
I’m a personality quiz fiend.
I am and have always been a night owl.
I love reading Sarah Dessen books.
My earphones are in my ears practically 24/7.
I am an only child and that’s not because of any death.
I hate school and everything else connected to it.
I’ve never been in any romantic relationship.
I have a lot of favorite names.
And I plan to use those names on my kids.
I’m reading a comic book right now.
I’m listening to music right now.
I memorize lyrics really easily.
But memorizing stuff for school isn’t always as easy.
Math is my worst enemy.
I love bolding surveys. Nice and easy.

I see Motion City Soundtrack tomorrow [well, today, I guess]. I might pee myself. It's been ages.
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