Day 4: 20 Favourite BSB In-Jokes

Apr 04, 2013 22:09

I try to prep these posts one day in advance so I don't fall behind, but I've just finished the late shift at work and have to be in the office less than ten hours from now, so please bear with my incoherency.

You know what I like about fandoms? The amount of in-jokes that forms after fandom collectively experiences something. Stuff like...

1. Howie winking. At the strangest moments.

2. Kevin taking a million years to finish a sentence during an interview.

3. AJ and his ridiculous hair.

4. Brian's monkeying around

5. Whatever it is, it's always Nick's fault.

6. Howie looking younger as he grows older. (Seriously, he's doing some Dorian Gray shit over there. Should we be looking for a portrait in the attic?)

7. "My cousin, Brian."

8. AJ and his ridiculous tattoos. Once I even tried to catalogue them, but I've lost count of how many he has.


10. This video clip.

image Click to view

11. Howie's salsa hips brings all the cougars to the yard.

12. Kevin will always be Papa Backstreet.

13. AJ will always manage to pull off any look, regardless of how fucking ridiculous it is.

14. Brian's Donald Duck impressions are legendary.

15. Nick is sick. All the time. And he spreads his plague whenever he hugs or shakes hands with somebody at soundcheck.

16. Howie really is Sweet D.

17. Kevin's eyebrows judge you.

18. AJ's the softest bad boy you'll ever meet.

19. Brian will always be the joker.

20. There will always be more Nick girls for some strange reason.

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20years, backstreet

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