In an unprecedented turn of events, watching the LoveStoned video didn't just made my head spin, but it also somehow threw out my back. No, seriously, ow. Okay, so they may not be connected, but that was the only thing that I did differently last night.
Firefox Portable has been a godsend. All you need to do is download it onto a flash drive, copy your user settings into the correct folder, and voila. Plug it in to any machine and you'll have your own browser settings all there for more comfortable surfing.
Some things of note: AJ has been seen
going around with
the naked girl from the Tyler Shields photoshoot (look at his widdle manpurse!), and
Bob Carter has been awarded US$65,621 in his divorce with Jane.
Anyhoo, I feel the need to babble a bit about the new Rufus Wainwright album. A lot of fans have said they were slightly disappointed with Release The Stars and how it seemed boring when compared with Want One and Two. Thing is, the Wants albums were about his struggle with relationships and his drug abuse, which makes for perfect songwriting fodder. Release The Stars however, is about his current sense of contentment with his boyfriend and is not so much intensely brilliant as it is subtly majestic. (Rufus brings out the purple prose writer in me, heh.) So the new album is reevaluating his current state of life and just quietly celebrating being in a stable relationship.
That said, there's two songs on it that are giving me serious tragic Letterboys bunnies.
"I'm Not Ready To Love" and
"Slideshow" are placed back to back on the album, with the last chords of "I'm Not Ready To Love" bleeding and blending seamlessly into "Slideshow". The first time I heard those two songs one after the other, my brain immediately decided that it was JC who was not ready to love, and AJ musing about whether he loves JC because he treats him so indifferently. Gah. I don't know. My brain is a very strange and random place sometimes.
nafs commented in my
post where I was mulling over the possibility of our boys buying back their stuff from the Pearlman auction. Her comment was so awesome, it got me to thinking about all the fic that could be written about this. You thinking what I'm thinking? Oh yeah. Challenge, anyone?
Poll Please pimp this wherever you can. Pimp like the wind!