Jan 25, 2006 19:23
well today my BBF had her college interveiw and i havent even sent my application off to college yet and im paniking iv left it tooo late! my mum says i havent because the signs just come up on the college building but still..im so stressed out!!
So anyway im sending it off first thing tomorrow morning i mean i cant be the only one who hasnt sent there application off?!
Also i got more of my mock marks back today which were good like yesterday English = B and C
R.E = D
I got a D in R.E because i mucked up the main question because it didnt explain what they actually wanted us to do and i blabbled on when i didnt need to haha!
Tonight Desparate Housewifes on!!!! woo its the second series but and iv only just started watching it but geeezz im addicted already lool..Also What Not To Wear is on..i love that show to i wish i could go on it...iffff it was showed on national TV!! how embarresing them two stripping you down to you underweaar to show you that you do have a figure underneath your horrible clothes!
Ohhhh ye my other BBF today had some drama with some bitch that left school. She came up to her at the end of school because she was standing up for some sad ass girl who had some rows with her...anyway it was soo funny and perfetic!!
Skiing in 2weeks 2days!!! ahhhhh
No more gossip or happenings from today
~Yours Truly xXxxxxxxxxxx