So far - it's only available at the link above. As of tomorrow or the next day, it should be "searchable" on CD Baby, and in a few weeks it is supposed to be available on iTunes, Amazon mp3, Napster etc.
I'm thrilled, I'm nervous, I'm excited, I'm proud, I hear every thing wrong with it that I'd like to do over, I'm worried that it is SO SCA specific that people I went to Jr High with it will listen to the samples and think "what EVER - Weird and homemade sounding!", then I remember that I don't really care about them anyway - it did what it was supposed to do and represents a big piece of my life.
It so funny - it's not like I didn't print a bunch already - they are already out there in the world. It's just that I saw the face and know the names of most of the people who own them and I know that it is "their kind of music." Putting it out there in the big WIDE publicly available world is a really scary thing all round.
Anyway - it's out there now.
Go check out the link!