On a happier note, NEW COIF!!

Mar 15, 2011 13:12

Here we see an actual picture of me WEARING hats I've made!

I think the squeaky new faux blackwork coif (faux as in modern machine embroidered - not printed) works pretty darn well, and is actually a linen blend! I have another one cut out  but not made yet, and I have lots of that fabric. (figured I'd make a shirt out of it if the coif thing didn't pan out.)
As a non-embroiderer (or at least, as a non-embroidery-project-finisher) I LOVE that I have an embroidered coif that took zero more time than a plain one :) How's that fer lazy?

I was kindof surprised at how much happier I was wearing a very plain black hat when it had the embroidered coif under it.

(thanks again to Denise for the picture!!)
The original photo is cool too -but I photoshopped out the plastic glass for the closeup.

Check out gwen_the_potter lookin all medieval :) No wonder she officially Rawks. Congrats Gwen!

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