NEWS: American Flags and Paddles: A Flea Market with a Difference

Sep 24, 2006 14:58

NEWS: American Flags and Paddles: A Flea Market with a Difference. D.C.-area leather clubs join together to hold an event that looks oddly familiar . . . on the surface.
"Few events are more Middle America than a flea market. The ordinary, everyday couples burrowing through junk to find the bargains. The boys and girls horsing around with each other and with their elders. The air of utter conventionality.
"Unless, of course, it is a leather flea market.
"'Let me show you how this is done,' said the top, taking a paddle from the hand of a potential customer."

issue 1 - april 2005, gay news, leather, location: washington, leather news, gay porn, gay erotica

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