Gardening Update

May 11, 2010 01:28

The peas, lettuce and periennial herbs are growing right along, and we planted some broccoli, cauliflower, and sage starts as well as carrot seeds this past week. However, I am so mad at myself I'd kick my own butt if I could! I had two dozen beautiful tomato seedlings and a dozen basil plants... Yeah, I'm down to about a 3rd of that thanks to what appears to be fertilizer burn caused by my stupidity... I put too much fish emulsion and not enough water apparently... They started wilting off a few hours after I used it. I mixed the amounts I normally put on plants in the middle of the growing season instead of for seedlings :(

Thankfully I can just go down to my local greenhouse and supplement the loss with their starts ($.99/4 plants), but if I had done that on a large scale in a greenhouse for the farmland... Urgh, it would be too expensive to replace that!

I will set out the seedlings I have left this coming weekend. The following we will be planting seeds and starts at my parent's place out in Hillsdale County. They sold their house here in the city and will be living there permanently soon! I am working on encouraging Dad to let us till out more gardening space for him (so we can try some new things we don't have room for here hehe). They've also got 2 pear trees, 2 apple trees and wild strawberries on their property as well.

I've been checking out canning recipes, but am going to have to get a pressure canner. I just used hot bath in the past for pickles and dill beans, I really want to use the pressure canner for soups with meats that I plan on making this fall for the winter.

farming, gardening

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