Jan 05, 2012 20:39
My New Year's Resolutions this year are as follows:
1) Complete fic in time. I have Dealbreaker to complete and some annoying bunnies that won't leave me alone.
2) Lose some weight, I'm a comfortable 16 in tops and 14/16 in trousers but I really don't like it and feel huuuuge when I look in the mirror. I might post a full piccie on the weekend- if I feel comfortable with it. I'm gonna do Zumba and treadmill more often.
3) Eat healthier. It's not like I eat tonnes of junk. We have no fizzy drinks, crisps or biscuits in the house and we only buy chocolate for school where a pack will last my family of 8 people a week and a half. But, I need to eat a bit healthier me thinks- see point 3 above
4) Post more on LJ and other social networks. My mates always say that I tend to dissapear off the face of the planet at weeks at a time and they get worried.
5) Take some me time. Work and family take up so much of my time, if I'm not doing one I'm doing the other.
Anyone made any New Yr's Resolutions?