Hey! Who Turned Out The Lights?

Jul 04, 2008 20:11

Okay, I've had Firefox for less than a half hour and already I want to have its interbabiez.  I've been fighting popups for over a week (don't get me started... ugh), and not one has come up since Firefox started.  Fantastic.  ANYway...

I'm looking at zaniahz's eBay site (LOVE THIS STORE, OMG), and they have a T-shirt there that says, "Hey! Who turned out the lights?" on it.  Now, I didn't think that episode scared me too much cuz I knew there would be a skeleton in a space suit, so I was expecting the creepies, but when I read that - ohh MY gosh!!  My whole back shivered!  It freaked me out, hearing that in my head.  Wow.  Delayed reaction fright- who knew?  (haha- "who"  hee heh giggle... right. sorry. What the heck am I ON?!?)

Bought two new purses.  I don't understand this addiction!! I never used to be like this!  They're really cute, though.  Seriously, I want to, like, hug them and pet them and talk baby-talk to them.  It's pathetic.  And not a little scary.  Maybe if I can grab the camera I'll snap a photo and share the adorableness that is The Pursages Of Mine.   (OHMYGAWD, what is WRONG with me?!)

I think I may need food.  Or something.  Cuz, yeah. I'm all 32 flavours of loony up here.   <8D

I hate non-sci-fi Sci-fi-Friday. :(  This makes me very sad.   Stupid "In Two Weeks...".  Stupid... not-showing-Doctor-Who.  Stupid Stupidness.  >:(  *pout*

OHMIGAAHHH- I'm SO going to feed myself now before something irreversably BAD happens.

-roughly four hours later...-

Jaws 2 and its black hole of addictiveness took over my mother and me, so I ate some left-over garlic bread sticks from this afternoon and some watermellon (which sounds really gross when I type it, but wasn't too bad at the time) and watched the cheesetasticness that is Jaws 2.  duh-nuhn... ;P   And still totally jumped, like, three times. I hadn't seen all of it, and only in bits over time, so seeing it from almost the begining was - well, it wasn't like some cinematic experience or anything, but I at least got more of the point besides Shark Bite! Shark Eat! Shark Too Smart To Be Actual Shark! Shark Too Smart To Actually Bite Electric Cable But Does Anyway!  But, ya know, whatever.  So that's why this was started at about 7:30pm and it's now after midnight. Not that you were wondering.

I've decided I CAN'T FREAKING WAAAAIIIITTTTT!!!! and will procure for myself "advanced copies" of the last few Doctor Who episodes.  From Midnight to the end (title escapes me) of the season.  And I'm still almost completely UNspoiled!  YAY ME!!!  Not an easy task with everyone making the pretties on these unseen eps, I might add.  *eyeballs
larissa_j  and 
nicole9514  especially*   GAH! It's killing me!    And I have to actually find these eps to "pre-screen", if you will.  Anyone have any hints as to where I might find such a thing? You know, out of curiosity...  Hey, I'm totally going to buy the box set when it comes out, so hush and help me!! ;)  Please?   Oh, and to be even more of a pain, I'd really prefer it if it wasn't a streaming-watch thing (like YouTube or something), but if that's the best choice, then I will do what must be done before my teeny, tiny fandom-shriveled brain falls down and chokes me to death.  Fer reals.  Okay, maybe not real reals, but fer close-to-reals.

OH!!  ANDANDAND!!!  I've found allies in The Cause!!  I was at the meeting last night and in talking with Miranda and Sarah, I find out that Miranda and her family like Doctor Who, too!!  :D :D  You do not know how this thrills me!  I have been so very, very alooone, with only the people who live in my computer to comfort me, when it comes to this greatest of fandoms.  And not just ALOOOOONE, but in a constant battle against the two (well, mostly one) reigning forces in the house, just to be allowed to watch the show, let alone fangirl! as one must over it.  It has been a long four years, let me tell you.  Anyway, now I have at least some backup.  And at very least, someone who'll get my random quotes and why I want to carry around my Sonic Screwdriver with me always and, granted, they may not squee! as much as I do (YET), but it's something.

Also learned last night from Miranda that Don S. Davis (General George Hammond on Stargate: SG-1 & Atlantis) died June 29th of a massive heart attack.  I nearly started crying right there in the middle of the Hall.   I didn't get it at first. She said, "Did you hear about General Hammond?" and I'm thinking 'who do we know that has that as a nickname?' and then 'that sounds really familiar, why...'  and in the quarter-of-a-second it took me to think those things, my brain clicked on and I just shook my head at  her and she told me The News Of Utmost Sadness.  I was so shocked.  I was like, "Hammond? Of Texas?" and put my hand over my head like Bratac did when greeting him, because that's kinda how I always describe his character to Mom or whoever.   It was just so sad!!  :'(  Poor Ruby (his wife... at least I think that's her name) and the rest of his family. And the cast!  Awwww!! :(

I can't talk about it anymore. It's making me frownyface and I want happy thoughts when I go to sleep.

Working on some icons lately.  Most have been such utter crap that I probably deleted a third of them when going over them.  I don't know what's wrong with me!  I can't seem to get anything right- the cropping, the sharpening, colors, lighting, textures, text- nothing! I have all these ideas for what I'd like to do, what I want to do/try, but I go to do them and it's like  pffthhhfffggghhhhdddtthhhtpuhh, ya know?  Yes, I did actually put in the exact letters I wanted right there.  ugh.  Whatever.

It's 12:53AM and I've got Miranda's party to go to tomorrow, I still have to wrap her gifts, and I am a slow get-ready-er.  So.  I guess I'll go.  Glad my face is already washed- lord I hate washing my face!   *looks around* well. that was random.  anyway...

Hopefully we'll get the full rundown on Papo's chemo schedule (sucks, but 2 out of 17 lymphnodes had pre/semi/sorta/wannabe-cancerous cells in them, so he's got to go through at least 6 months of chemo, which is better than, ya know, anything worse) soon, get him started on it, so he can start feeling better.  He's lost so much weight; it's strange to see him so thin, like it's not the right view of him or something. Trick mirror.  And he's so tired.  BUT, seeing as how I'm obnoxiously optimistic about pretty much everything, it's not nearly as bad as it could be and he's such a fighter, he'll be back to normal before we know it.  I'm not worried about his health so much as I am his attitude and how this whole thing is affecting Mamo and Mom.  It'll be fine. It'll be fine.

Goodnight, lovlies!!


firefox, family affairs, don s davis, update, i have the best friends, doctor who, stargate, i am a freak

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