Hello, Goodbye...

May 03, 2008 00:29

 Shorty-short-short-short post. Just saying Hi! to all who've been saying Hi! to me & I haven't gotten back to yet. It's The Lazy kicking in, I guess. Or The Distracted/The Busy/The Braindead... whatever. Anyway...

I've got myself some catching up to do!!  I've given up on my f-list catching up- it's a lost cause. I've laid tulips at the link.  I mean TV-wise.  I've seen now, in order, Torchwood episode "Fragments" or "Fragmented" or something like that, I dunno, it was the awesome one with the back stories. And then "Adrift" with the rift taking people & spitting them back out all screwed up (how awful was that scream?? OMGosh.).  And then the one with the circus and the film and the adorable Ianto and his obsession. So cute.  And then, adfgklj;asdlk!#$*&(@*)(&, the last episode of season 2 ("End Game"?? I don't remember. all I remember is PAIN and TEARSOMGTHETEARS and SOBBING and HATING THIS SHOW ALREADY and have I meantioned the TEARS&PAIN!! cuz,, yeah.), which, obviously, killed me.  It's okay, I had a cup of tea and came back to life. But there was death I can't... must go...

And I saw (FINALLYOMG) "Last Of The Time Lords". Yes, I know. Shush.  And, okay, there were some sniffles there, too. I openly sobbed (with some noise and everything, I'm embarrassed to admit) during TW, but DW had me going- no, strike that, DT had me going. That man can cry...

Plus all the new ones!! EEEEEEEE!!! NEW WHO!!!! :D :D !!!  Me is happy!! :D  Just finished watching "The Fires Of Pompeii" (LOVE). "VOTD"? Yeah, more snifflage. Thanks very much, there, David. :\

And a few other shows that I should have already seen, but haven't, and I'll try to write commentary on them as I go back through, but I've already deleted the TWs cuz I just couldn't take it.  If I can stand to see it again, I'll watch it online.

Aaanyway, this is far longer than I'd intended and I really, really have to go now. So. Bye.


mini-update, torchwood, david tennant, doctor who

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