I'm Still Alive! And I Come Bearing Icons!

Apr 28, 2008 23:26

Has it really been three weeks since I've updated?? My gosh! I guess I've been in very non-post-y type moods. I think sometimes I feel like there's nothing important enough to post about in my life, so I kinda, ya know, don't. And then I have periods of insane postage amounts that could quite likely be considered "spam" in some circles. Maybe not these circles... and as Archimedes said, "Don't disturb my circles!"  Granted, those were his last words before a stupid soldier disobeyed orders and killed him, but it's not like the soldier didn't get similar treatment afterward. He really shouldn't have disturbed the circles.  ...What was I talking about again?  I've completely lost point here.  And this "ambient" music is driving me nuts!!  Isn't it supposed to sooooothe and relaaaax you?  This stuff? Not so much.  wretched.  Off it gets turned, thankyouverymuch.   Yeah, I've no idea where I was going with whatever it was I was talking about before, so we're just gonna start a new topic, k? K.

So.  *looks around*  See? This? This is why I don't post!! *grumble!flail!*  ugh!

Ooh! So, I've made a bunch of icons & bases.  Some are hideous and are only kept for sentimental and instructional and cautionary reasons and will therefore never see anything beyond my very sub-foldered folders.  Some I got so into that instead of a base like I was intending, I end up going all psycho and arting them up.  And others are just more of my medeocre iconage you're all so used to by now. ;)  I've got some from Doctor Who (which is fast becoming my latest uber-obsession, overtaking SG:A due to new episode airing differences), some Stargate: SG-1/Atlantis, and a few randoms I've got lying around.  I guess I'll post a few now, since I'm here and all.  
Aaaaand since Photobucket isn't deciding to bes nicey for me, I'll just do a straight post, I guess.

serenehorizongets credit for the texture here) 
  (I am in love with this scene, if you can't tell.)

   (Those two can be used as bases if you promise to be nice to them. ;P )

I had a hard time deciding where to put
ch4ndler's pretty right there, so here are the two I finally came up with:

   (And one more, cuz it's just so cute!)  

elfcat255's amazing gallery of icons which, if I read correctly (please let me know if I'm wrong!), is so generously allowed to be used:    

And these I'm not real sure about. I like the concept, but the execution needs work & I don't quite know how to fix it yet.


  (Even though the second one has a sort of soft-focus/cartoon-y filter on it, both can be used as bases.)

Now a few misc.:


   (MUCH thankees to 
offbeat_upbeat  for being so awesome and making such great stuff for us to futz with!) (These are personal ones, but I thought they turned out so cute looking I wanted to share.)

  (can I just say, this icon took so freakin' long to do)  Ta to 
bitetoall  for the lovely texture thingy (the glowing swirly thing on Cameron in the third icon)!

   (These three and (I suppose) the first two above can be used as bases.)

And now a bit of Who:

Let's start off with bases, shall we?  


Some not-so-much bases, but if you ask reeeeal nice-like, I might be inclined to share...


And a few WIPs:


OhhhKaaayy, well, that about wraps it up for me.  It's 1:19am here, and I'm finally getting tired, so, yay and good night! :D


billie piper, stargate:sg-1, david tennant, mcshep, icon bases, stargate:atlantis, icon post, summer glau, the sarah connor chronicles, doctor who

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