I went to see Fantastic Four on Tuesday for cheap night, and normally I would do a little write-up on my
Blog but I didn't feel it deserved one. Fantastic Four wasn't horrible, but it wasn't very good either. It's not worth going to for cheap night, it's a rental for sure. So my recommendation is to not see it in the theatres.
On Wednesday I had Marc and Adam over and we played N64 games, which I haven't done in many years. I was surprised at the graphics in Mario Kart 64, I don't remember the draw distance being so... Fuzzy. But it was still a lot of fun. I wrote a bit about playing Goldeneye on my Blog:
Like a Bike.
Marc went off for a vacation in Vegas, he's been pretty excited about the whole thing. He isn't going to gamble, but to see the sights. Heather is supposedly coming over tonight, we're going to watch Monster and have Nachos.
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