May 02, 2005 01:51
Well ya know how some people have normal journals where they write about every day occurrences? Yeahh my journals have never been like that, actually they have mainly just been random thoughts or ideas that pop into my head. :), so here is a continuation of that idea... lol, well now our lifestyle is made as we see fit, we try to adjust it to fit our desires and needs but sometimes we just have to let it go... lol, I know stay with me though I do have a point. We go through school to get a degree to get a job to get money to raise a family, so that we can have kids to send them to school and so on right? Why do we assume that will all happen? Since when have we started taking advantages of all the grace and fortune god has given to us? I myself find myself taken life for granted everynow and then. Just expecting to wake up the next morning... It is saddening and yet in a way uplifting to realize anything could happen at any moment that could completely alter your life. That is why they say live as if you were dying, cherish each day as if it was your last for it will taste much sweeter. If we cherish everything we have now We will have no regrets later. That is why right now I want to thank everyone who has been there for me, all my friends (especially a few who I hope you know who you are!) , my family who each support me in their own great way, god who grants me each day, myself who refuses to give up on whatever it desires, and above all I want to thank you for reading this randomness of a journal entry and hope that it brings you some peace and calming in this crazy world we call life!
hehe and good nighT!!
(((((PS all this was after watching Meet JOE BLACK for the 1,939 time hehe))))