It's time to d-d-d-duel - for love!

Feb 04, 2007 00:28

STOP! Give me at least 3 links of other surveys you voted for here (unless basically everyone's stamped, of course). If you’re re-applying, tell who you got last time, and tell us why you are.

♥ You ♥

1. Name? Heidi

2. Would you want to be paired with a male/female/whatever? Male

3. Your meaning of love? I don't know exactly how to explain it. Love if complicated and painful at times, but it's also one of the best feeling in the world. I think that to be in love with someone involves acceptance of a person for who they are; selflessness; wanting to be with someone all the time, even if you're not doing something extra special; wanting to learn everything about them; wanting to make happy memories together, seeing a future with them; sticking together through good and bad times; and knowing that they're there for you unconditionally - and you're there for them too - supporting and encouraging them and their dreams.

4. Pickup line most likely to work on you? Um...I don't know. Something that was actually sincere, or which was said so tongue-in-cheek that you knew he wasn't actually that shallow and cheesy.

5. Favorite love song (may post lyrics)?
"Shiroi Tsuki" - Koyasu Takehito (as Faust VIII in Shaman King)
Ah, Inside the darkness the moon is white
Is time stopped in sleep?
A long night is, again, ahead
A distant light
Just like in your dream
Ah, it's written in this heart
Even when I can't see anyting
There's only one memory I keep close
One, one forever
Can't return to that day twice
I can't be with you anymore
A heavy memory in this sea of solitude
An unusal pain that passed
I believe in love
Ah, in the darkness I walk
Is time stopped in sleep?
A long night is, again, ahead
You and I may have to wait
And, returning to that day
Together we smile
But only that pain breaks me
The only one I have this feeling for
Time can pass, but the scar will remain
Returning to that day
It will always be written in this heart
Forever in the sky shining
The only one I have this feeling for
You are my white moon

♥ Your partner ♥

6. Which character do you think you're least compatible with and why? Out of the characters on the list below, I would have to go with either Yami Marik (because he’s sadistic, insane, and I wouldn’t want to become a mind slave) or Weevil (because he’s so uncaring, creepy, cruel, selfish, and a liar).

7. The man/woman of your dreams clearly is... (list 3 things):
1. Intelligent
2. Trustworthy
3. Protective (of those he cares deeply about)

8. The man/woman of your dreams clearly isn't... (list 3 things):
1. Unfaithful (in our relationship, this includes flirting with other people while we’re dating)
2. Impatient
3. Abusive (mentally and/or physically)

9. Shy or outgoing? Probably more on the outgoing side.

10. Calm or hyper? It would depend on the situation, though I’d like it if he was normally kinda in the middle.

11. Fun or serious? Both! It would be irritating to me if he didn’t take ANYTHING seriously, but it would also bug me if we couldn’t have fun together too.

12. Physically or mentally strong? Mentally strong is more important to me. Being intelligent, analytical, observant, and being generally psychologically stable, are all important qualities to me in a boyfriend. Being somewhat physically strong would be cool though too, but not super muscular.

13. What kind of underwear you'd rather have them wear? I honestly don’t care.

♥ You and your partner ♥

14. What would you two do for fun? Hang out together and talk, watch anime and movies, play video games, go out to eat, go for walks in the snow, go to anime cons, go to concerts, go shopping? Maybe cooking? I don’t know, I think that just being together would be what made things fun, so I think that whatever we were doing, we’d be able to make it enjoyable.

15. Who pays for dinner? He does, I like those old fashioned kind of things…

16. In a video store you two would end up renting...: Something neither of us had seen but that sounded interesting - not a horror movie though. We’d go through the video store and read the boxes to decide on one, or maybe one of us would’ve heard some good things about a particular film, or we’d go with a film that one a favorite actor (or director) was a part of and we hadn’t seen yet.

17. Who makes the first move? He does; I’m too shy to make the first move in initiating a relationship.

18. Who's the seme and who's the uke? I’m the uke.

19. Nickname-giving allowed? Sure, nicknames are fine with me.

20. Who would give The Talk? …I feel stupid, but I’m not sure what “The Talk?” is, so I can’t answer.

♥ What if questions ♥

21. What if your partner wanted to have a baby? I’d be really happy. But I would want us to get married before starting a family.

22. What if your partner went into an emo fit for a while? I’d try and help them through it; reminding them of their good points and telling them I love them; letting them know that I’m there for them if they want to talk about their feelings; and I’d also probably cook them some favorite comfort food of their’s any try to make them watch a distracting movie or something with me. I’d also be really worried about them and want to make sure that they were okay all the time, and if it went on a long time I might suggest they look into maybe talking to a therapist or something. I mean everyone gets sad at times, but if it seemed serious or dangerous I’d get them professional help.

23. What if your partner bought something big you have no interest in? I’d try to figure out why it was appealing to them and try not to let it bother me too much. But if we were living together and it was taking up a lot of space, it would really get to me and make me pissed off.

24. What if your partner had to go away for business for a while? I’d go with him if I could and try to stay out of the way. Just stay in the hotel, or go see the sights in the place the business trip was to and so forth. If not, I guess I’d understand, but at the same time feel lonely. I’d make them call to let me know they got there safely (as I’d be really worried about them traveling…), and I expect that he would call me every day and tell me about how things were going for him.

25. What if your partner forgot your anniversary because he/she was too busy preparing for a Duel Monsters tournament? I would be really hurt. It wouldn’t necessarily cause me to break up with them because I’d know that Duel Monsters was important to them, but it would make me really depressed and question the seriousness of our relationship.

♥ Characters (for voters) ♥

Vivian :: Solomon :: Seigfried :: Rex :: Odion :: Mako :: Mahado :: Kisara :: Bobasa :: Weevil :: Mana :: Leon :: Ishizu :: Bandit Keith :: Ryou Bakura :: Mokuba :: Tristan :: Yami Marik :: Varon :: Raphael :: Pegasus :: Dartz :: Amelda :: Yami Yugi :: Mai Valentine :: Serenity :: Rebecca :: Noa Kaiba :: Duke :: Yugi :: Yami Bakura :: Tea :: Seto Kaiba :: Marik :: Joey Wheeler

varon match

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