True Duelist

Feb 01, 2007 08:15

STOP! Give me at least 3 links of other surveys you voted for here (unless basically everyone's stamped, of course). If you’re re-applying, tell who you got last time, and tell us why you are. Er...I think everyons' stamped...


1. What's your name or/and nickname (either RL or Internet, or both)? Takato. I mostly go by Takato IRL with my friends anyway.
2. Yourself in 3 words? Loveable; friendly and creative.
3. Personality? I've been compared to a rabbit - skittish, paranoid, worrywart, mother-ish. I'm also friendly, helpful and care about all my friends and family.
4. Strengths? I'm very perceptive; very imaginative and I want to help people as much as I can.
5. Weaknesses? Self doubt; I get angered very easily; I'm also extremely bipolar (eg; I can be very depressed one moment and happier the next). I also seem to have an alter-ego >___> or at least a voice in my head...

More about YOU

6. Likes? Reading, drawing, writing, mythology, history, cultures, anime and manga, Japanese/classical/instrumental music, Chinese pop culture, the paranormal.
7. Dislikes? MARY SUES and CANON SUES! Close-minded, mean and homophobic people, crowded places, lables, BRATz *shivers*, stereotypes, fashion.
8. Hobbies? Almost same as my likes.
9. Talents? I'm an exceptional writer (writing my own book), a good artist and, not sure if this counts, very perceptive and have weird deja vu occurances when I visit old houses or graveyards.
10. Goals? Get my book published, or become an archeologist and travel, whichever comes first.

This or that?

11. Mature or immature? A bit of both.
12. Leader or follower? Follower. Couldn't lead anyone in my life.
13. Calm, normal, or hyper? Normal.
14. Optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimist.
15. Social or shy? Shy, but when I have my friends around me I'm very social.
16. Speaker or listener? Both.
17. Business or fun? Fun.


18. Least favorite character? Anzu/Tea. She rubs me the wrong way and reminds me of girls who used to pick on me.
19. Favorite pairing? Ryo/Malik.

20. Err-m, anything else? Nope.

Characters (for voters)

Vivian :: Solomon :: Seigfried :: Rex :: Odion :: Mako :: Mahado :: Kisara :: Bobasa :: Weevil :: Mana :: Leon :: Ishizu :: Bandit Keith :: Ryou Bakura :: Mokuba :: Tristan :: Yami Marik :: Varon :: Raphael :: Pegasus :: Dartz :: Amelda :: Yami Yugi :: Mai Valentine :: Serenity :: Rebecca :: Noa Kaiba :: Duke :: Yugi :: Yami Bakura :: Tea :: Seto Kaiba :: Marik :: Joey Wheeler


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