Vampire's Blood Bond to Humans

Apr 04, 2011 21:40

This has recently come up in a RP I'm in (guess who I play. Go on, just guess) and since I haven't read all the books and the TB wikia is absolute shit for these details, I bring the questions to you guys. Much as I'd like to pretend I'm the expert of the fandom (and since, for the longest time, I was the only TB character in the game, hence dubbed the ~know-it-all~) I'm totally not one.

1. Is it possible for a vampire to have more than one human bonded to them? My brain is fail and forgot about Bill having Sookie and Sam. Derp!

2, How do they manage the influx of emotions and knowing the locations of the humans at all times (ie, are they able to tune it out)?

3. If the vampire wanted to break that blood bond, their death being the obvious exception, how would they?

4. I'm leaning towards it being similar to a bond between a Maker and childe. The whole "As your Maker, I release you" thing. Is there something like that for a vampire's bond to a human?


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