Hello guys,
We want to let you know that we have revised the community rules. As y'all know, we've been trying to make things as easy and accessible for all the members as possible. Many of you have voiced your opinion, and we've taken into consideration the things you've said. We also have the benefit of True Blood becoming an increasingly popular series, which allows for more frequent post and a major increase in
trueblood_lj membership.
So we've decided to make some changes.
Please pay special attention to the rules section on posting days. We would like to organize specific posts for specific types of fan-based material, similar to how we're doing the personal reviews.
Because of these posting changes,
trueblood_lj will be under moderated posting for a short while. This isn't to penalize anyone or to make them feel uncomfortable posting, the majority of posts will be allowed. The only requirement be that they somehow relate to True Blood, and if necessary, are interactive.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
The Rules
- Posts must relate to the HBO series, the books, the cast, etc. Unless updating with news or pictures, make your posts interactive (ex. Discussion posts). Off-topic and Personal Journal posts will be removed.
- When posting, look back over the last few days to make sure that your article/question/etc has not been posted before.
- Articles/pictures/info etc. should be placed behind a link and formatted to fit within the post. A source must also be included.
- Please, tag your entries with the appropriate tag.
- Some of our members haven’t finished the series (book or television), so if you are posting something that could be considered a spoiler, put it behind a cut and give a spoiler warning. Trust us, it's for your own good.
Because the popularity of the HBO series has increased exponentially during the last season, the community has experienced a major increase in membership. Fantastic as this is, it has also led the Mods to establish certain posts so as to lessen the traffic. These posts are only in regards to graphics, personal reviews and fanmade fic/art.
Graphics: Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays
Icons, Headers, themes, gifs, etc.
- Please include a link with a few teasers.
Reviews: Mondays
Personal reviews and summaries located in personal journals
- Please include a link and a short (2-3 sentence) teaser/excerpt.
Fic/Media Art: Tuesday and Thursday
Fanfiction and media based art including fanmixes, playlists and fanvids.
- Please include a link and, if applicable, a teaser/excerpt.
On the specific day, a Mod will make a post that links back to a tag in the side bar. Community members are more than welcome to comment with their art/fic/etc within these posts. Members are also welcome to comment witin these posts outside of the assigned days.
Watch-A-Long Sundays
- A post that follows the 9 pm EST showing of True Blood on HBO, with a discussion both during and immediately following the episode.
- During the hiatus period, we will be showing showing an episode a week during the 9-10 EST hour.
- Do not promote other communities or websites without Mod Permission. Just drop a note in the
page-a-mod. If you’ve become an affiliate, you may promote one time. An affiliate tag is located on our sidebar and is accessible to all members. Any posts that promote a community without Mod permission will be promptly deleted.
- Download and upload at your own risk. Be aware that all items are copyrighted and no infringement is intended.
- Harassment will not be tolerated. That said, we fully expect everyone to be respectful and courteous.
- Don't care about a post? Scroll on by.
- No, we don't need you to introduce yourself. Just go ahead and start commenting!
- We do have a very low-key RP that runs in conjunction with
trueblood_lj, right now it's been quiet. Don't be surprised to see a cross-over every once in a while. If you're interested in the RP, feel free to
let us know.
- And finally, we are not related to Twilight. Many of our members are fans. Many are quite the opposite. We don’t care. It shouldn't be an issue.
- If you have a question or concern, or simply wish to bring something to our attention, please let us know
here and we will try to help you as soon as possible and to the best of our abilities.
- If you have an issue with another member,
- If your issue is with a Mod, this will be the only time you are asked to contact us directly. Send a PM to another Mod and we will work out the problem.