I must be the light when you're in the dark~ ♫

Jan 01, 2009 19:04


♥ Happiness Meme ♥

Day 6
+ ;_; I beat Vesperia. BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW. I am happy about it, but... you know. I feel a kind of emptiness in my heart again. Like that feeling where you don't have anything left to do, so you just sit there waiting to die, a personal hell. xD;; I think that's what I hate about beating games so much. Oh, and I'm kind of pissed that I never got a chance to use my Mystic Arte on the final boss cause he kept interrupting me and then he goes off and dies. Bitch. >:|
But seriously, best Tales game of my life. I am not even kidding. Touching anything 360-related was SO worth playing that game. God how I miss that game...
+ My controller died on me again while I was preparing for the final battle, so luckily I didn't have to worry about it disconnecting during some dramatic scene or anything. xD Got new batteries, etcetc.
+ I didn't even use up like... half my items. LOL. I don't know if it was because I was too high of a level, or because of my stinginess with items, but yeah... xD My party nearly died like 5 times during the fight but I just used a Treat so it was all good. Still panicked every time but it's okay. xD;;
+ This was an epic game. EPIC. GAME. I can't even think of how Namdai is going to top this Tales game with any future releases.

I'm gonna go cry in a corner now. BAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW VESPERIA ;___;

I'm probably not going to write up a review of Vesperia like I did KoR, but here's a general rundown of it.

Voice Acting: 9/10
[Whoever voiced Estelle needs to stfu and die. I seriously HATE her dub voice, it's terrible and sounds so damn obnoxious. Everyone else was fine with me, though Raven's Mystic Arte shout was... very lacking. ;_; Yuri's voice was perfect... ♥ ]
Battle System: 9/10
[I didn't like how restricted I felt in battle at first, but I grew to like it a lot more as I kept playing. Though the skills thing REALLY needs to be fixed. I could never find any item that gave Yuri Backstep or Recover. That's a huge pain. >_> ]
Gameplay: 8/10
[It's impossible to aim the Sorceror's Ring, ugh. And sometimes it's just annoying to move around when there are so many obstacles in the way.]
Graphics: 9.5/10
[For me, I HATED the day/night thing they implemented. It's cool at first but when it gets dark and you can't see anything, that's not fun. Also, I hate having to sleep at an inn like 5 times until it turns to the specified time I want.]
Storyline: 10/10
[It was boring at first... but god, I just fell in love with it for all sorts of reasons. xD ]
Music: 8/10
[Don't need to say much about Sakuraba. But the final dungeon music was terrible.]
Characters: 10/10
[If even Estelle managed to grow on me, that's got to mean something. I loved practically all the characters in the game, or at least, I didn't hate most of them. xD Favourites are obv Yuri, and Rita. And Raven. ♥ ]
Replay Value: 10.5/10 ...ohwait.
Recommendation Value: over 9000. I seriously recommend this game to any 360 owners that aren't FPS whores or just really like JRPGs.

wow. This was WAY better than what I gave KoR, LOL. No surprises there, really.

I wonder what's in store for me next... :| ...Better get working on that drawing-a-day-thing.

game reviews, tales, ranting, yuri lowell ♥, awesomeness, baaawww, epic win, mindless rambling, fangirling, epic

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