It's cold, and boring, and... really cold tbh.

Dec 31, 2008 20:54

I still like being cold better than being super hot, though.

Funny Story of the Day
Brother: [turns on TV] Look!
Me: [staring at computer screen drawing] What is it, a bear? [turns around]
TV: [shows a bear walking into a Subway restaurant.]
Me: ... [blink] ... ... .. . . .. [blink] .   .   . WAIT, WHAT?!

Apparently a bear had made its way into a Subway at night and grabbed a sandwich then pushed the door open and left. IT WAS SO DAMN CUTE AND KIND OF FREAKED ME OUT WHEN IT ACTUALLY TURNED OUT TO BE A BEAR ROFL xD.

I'm trying to pull myself back into a drawing phase... why is it that my first Vesperia fanart ended up being Estelle? I blame op_longshot . >:|

I need to start practicing my Japanese more often. Having an A in the class doesn't mean much if I still can't speak much of it. >_>;; Yeah that doesn't make a lot of sense but... xD;;;;

Maybe I'll draw a Yuri responding to her next... we'll see. I'M GOING TO TRY MY BEST TO DO THAT "DRAW SOMETHING ONCE A DAY" THING AGAIN. watch me fail, orz.

And I'm sorry I'm not working on the skit instead ;_; I still can't think of any good skit ideas so I don't want to draw all the faces until I figure out what faces I'd actually use for all the characters. Oh, and blame op_longshot  for not giving me that damn drawing of Dan, damnit. >:

wat, estellise, tales, !art, school, epic lulz, baaawww, epic fail, awesomeness, epic win, mindless rambling, sigh men

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