If the clouds darken and the sky cries, I will ring a bell and search for you ♪

Dec 23, 2008 21:57


It was so boring when I first started playing it but now it's a pretty awesome game and I love it probably more than Abyss right now. xD Ooh, the story~ it's so good~ and the characters ♥

The battle system is a lot more fun now that I've gotten used to it, and I'm so close to using Yuri's Mystic Arte~~~ AAAHHH I CAN'T WAIT.

I hope I'm not almost done with it... only about 30 hours in and it already feels like the story's wrapping up... >A< NO I DON'T WANT IT TO END, NOT WHEN IT STARTED TO GET SO GOOD. there haven't been enough anime scenes yet either!

I'm totally infatuated with Yuri right now AND I'LL ADMIT IT. YEAH WHATEVER I DON'T CARE ANYMORE (´・ω・`)

yuri lowell ♥, awesomeness, epic win, mindless rambling, tales, fangirling

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