Tales of Vesperia update

Dec 21, 2008 12:44

So apparently this game is like 40 - 60 hours. And I'm only 10 hours or so in. =_=;;;;;; Typically it takes me three weeks to finish a 60 hour game, ugh.

Well, the game so far is... quite honestly, there's not much going for it except the graphics and characters. The story itself is really boring so far, aside from the comedic elements (Yuri ♥). It feels like it never really engages the player into the story, and there hasn't been much that made me go "OH MY GOD PLOT TWIST WUT", except that Duke's voice was a lot deeper than I expected xD;;;;.

I really don't like this battle system. After you play a game like KoR where the battle system literally involves flying all over the place, a small upgrade to Abyss' battle system isn't that good. Yes, there are aerial combos, but you can only lift the enemy into the sky, not yourself (well, I'll change my mind once I get Judith in my party... probably). Over all, the battle system feels really sluggish. Pick up the pace, jeez.

The one thing I mostly hate about this game are the Skills. It feels like you can only get them through weapons/equipment, and I don't like having to synthesize so much crap just to get some important skills like Recover and Item Thrower. >_>;;; I'd prefer just leveling up and getting a few skills every now and then.

The way you set up the Strategy still confuses the hell out of me, and it's really annoying whenever Estelle casts First Aid on a poisoned character. Ugh I swear, that girl doesn't even know how to be a healer... -__-;;;;

It's kind of hard to pick a favourite character in the game so far. Normally there'll always be one Tales character in each game that I totally adore, but... xD;;; Well, they're all great characters, but they're boring. There isn't much personality depth to them, they're all kind of one-dimensional. Rita's totally awesome though (as expected). She's probably the most fun mage I've ever used in a Tales game. EDIT: Okay I take that back. Marta was extremely fun to use after she didn't have any casting time anymore. xD
Yuri's an interesting main character; he's pretty grown up but at the same time he's not some annoying, nagging adult. And he's HILARIOUS. Oh my god, seriously Yuri is amazing. He'd probably be the type of character I usually obsess over, but he's kind of old (he's 21... LOL [shot] ). xD;;; Honestly I never expected Yuri to be a character I'd really like, he seemed boring from what I'd seen of him prior to playing the game (too much black maybe?). Still can't compare to Emil though. Yuri lacks that adorableness that I tend to like in a guy. xDD;;;;

wat, tales, ranting, do not want, awesomeness, baaawww, mindless rambling, fangirling

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