Shelter Picspam Part 1

Apr 28, 2008 14:56

Shelter is a small, quiet film about a young street artist who has put his life on hold while he takes on the lions share of raising his young nephew.  I found it to be a hugely accessible story about work, duty, dreams that seem just out of reach and learning how to accept, and put your arms around, the good things in life.  I am so besotted with ( Read more... )

picspam, shelter

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true_enough May 16 2008, 23:28:58 UTC
Thank you thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it.

What got me started noticing the the color red was when Zach switched out the black marker for a red one after talking to Shaun on the walkie-talkie. Then when I watched it again the color red just seemed to pop up all over the place. Zach's red shoes, the piping on his tank - like something is on its way - and then Shaun sitting at the fire all decked out in red. It just makes me smile every time I see it now.

Zach's poor dad. He has a lot of catching up to do. I keeping imagining Zach going to his dad's house at the end of the movie and finding him dozing in the easy chair. "Hey, dad. Jeanne's moved to Oregon with some guy she can't scrape off her shoe but hey, she left Cody. With me. And my boyfriend. You remember Shaun, right? Dad? Dad? Dad, did you do your stretches today?" Seriously though, it does seem like Dad doesn't really concern Zach aside from the fact that he doesn't want Cody to be left with him. It would be interesting to explore him a little more.

The first review I read at AfterElton was very critical of how available and patient Shaun was but I think his behavior is fitting considering he's there without a job other than trying to write something he doesn't hate and he just broke up and probably doesn't want to rush things either. Although with Zach being someone he already knows - if somewhat peripherally - then I can also see how he's so ready to be there for Zach. I keep hoping that the dvd will feature lots of deleted scenes that will fill in some more things about Shaun. That or fanfiction ...

Jeanne is very hard to empathize with, no doubt. I think she manipulates and cajoles because she doesn't know how to go after things directly (Shaun was right) and in the process has sold herself short. I feel a little sorry for her but not enough to want her back in the picture. Zach, Cody and Shaun make such a great little family.

Thanks again for your thoughtful comment!


at_midnight June 8 2008, 13:32:17 UTC
wow. i didn't notice that before. the color red. but you got a point. thanks!!! love reading this. really


true_enough June 8 2008, 13:48:11 UTC
I think the director use to be a production designer and to my eye it shows what with all the visual cues. I had another fan point out the red wine and the way Zach's red t-shirt and trunks are showing through his other clothing in the scene where he gets revved up to go spend the night with Shaun. Speaking of visuals, I love your icons. Very beautiful and creative.


at_midnight June 8 2008, 14:01:02 UTC
Speaking of visuals, I love your icons. Very beautiful and creative.

Thanks!! I believe I will probably working on those screencaps of yours to make more Shelter icons. It's the only movie that I watch at least once a day since I got my hand on it (by accident, go figure!). Now, I am like, hmmm, obsessed much *lol*


true_enough June 8 2008, 14:15:57 UTC
Now, I am like, hmmm, obsessed much *lol*

::big grin:: I know the feeling well and embrace it wholeheartedly.


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