Shelter Picspam Part 1

Apr 28, 2008 14:56

Shelter is a small, quiet film about a young street artist who has put his life on hold while he takes on the lions share of raising his young nephew.  I found it to be a hugely accessible story about work, duty, dreams that seem just out of reach and learning how to accept, and put your arms around, the good things in life.  I am so besotted with Zach and Shaun that I'm ready to move heavy stones to build a wee shrine.  At this point I could watch them do nothing more exciting than buy paper plates in bulk at Costco and I'd still rush out and buy the DVD which, by the way, will be on sale May 27.

Screen captures are from the here!tv download.

SPOILER ALERT!  Seriously.  This started out as a picspam and turned into a meta and in the process I have pretty much left no stone unturned.

The opening credits run over a scene of Zach skateboarding through his working class San Pedro neighborhood. 

He is beeeutiful!

We get a great feel for both person and place with Zach skating through empty, sunbaked streets.

As we soon find out, his free time is at a premium but he obviously knows how to enjoy himself when he can.  It's not too early to take notice of Zach's Red shoes.  It's a color that seems to signal inspiration, possibilities and love.

As a street artist, Zach subscribes to the school of thought that any blank surface is clearly askin' for it.  I could never get a handle on exactly where he was keeping all of the stencils and spray paint but he is somehow loaded for bear.  Psst ...  Take note of this wall.  He's not done with it yet.

This is his home as a stencil.

This is his home as art.

And this is the real thing with a magnificent suspension bridge seemingly growing out of his back yard.

Home is a trickier place to maneuver with dad still enjoying a buzz from his last dose of pain meds and his young nephew Cody playing with Poppy's pill bottle.   

Meet Jeanne, who's not above roping Zach into last minute babysitting duties with the only other option being leaving him with Poppy which is not really an option, at all.  At this point, the nicest thing I can say about Jeanne is that she's a real piece of work.  ::gives her the stink-eye::

Zach sees his uber rich best friend Gabe off to college at UCSanta Barbara which has a well earned reputation of being difficult to graduate from due to it's beach town party atmosphere.  Gabe is going to fit in perfectly.  He is so animated - especially next to stoic Zach - that I'm sure one of Poppy's pills wouldn't even faze him.  Still, they have had a solid friendship since they were 8 when Zach earned a scholarship to Gabe's private school.  Don't write Gabe off.  He will prove to have more soul than what is readily apparent.

Most people in Zach's neighborhood have given up trying to keep a lawn so the paved over patio that Zach works from is put to good use. 

I kept thinking that his fascination with the bridge, and the cranes off to the side, might make him an innovative engineer or architect, if it was something he wanted, but I think they hold a more emotional connection as art in their own way and also as beacons to someplace other than where he's at.

Another sunbaked street with Zach passing on his penchant for marking up any viable surface to Cody while Jeanne works inside. 

Cody takes a moment from coloring outside the lines to clarify the family dynamic.  When he points out that he considers primary caregiver Zach his daddy Zach gently corrects him and tells him that no, he's Cody's uncle.  Cody's not having any of it though and tells Zach, "You're my daddy" about 5 more times just to make sure that there's no confusion about where he stands on the subject.

One of the many perks of being Gabe's friend is that Zach has carte blanch to the beachfront backyard where he keeps his long board even when no one is home.  Red piping on shirt.  Just sayin' ...  ::hums::

Zach is pleasantly surprised by the appearance of Gabe's older brother Shaun.  Red flowers.  ::points::

Shaun is apparently not the kind of older brother who made life hell for Gabe and his friends and so he limits his teasing to pointing out that he would of thought that Zach's "ghetto ass would have been done breaking and entering by now."  Remember, these are guys and they say shit like that all the time.  It's all good.

They decide to go surfing but really this observation is just an excuse to point out Shaun's belly which I love oh-so-much. 

After they go surfing Zach bumps into his on-again-off-again girlfriend Tori.  They're taking a break from their longtime relationship but are still on good enough terms to call each other Monkey affectionately and offer a quick smooch.  They do, however, adhere to a strict NoTouching! policy.

Shaun and Zach stay at the beach and have a few beers around a campfire but really, by now, you should just be taking note of Shaun's Red beanie and jacket and Zach taking note of him.

Despite all the Red everywhere Zach ends up taking Tori home to watch a horror movie.  I'm sure it's all just a coincidence ::nods:: but just as she makes a move on him the soundtrack for the movie kicks in with screaming violins.  Also, red bowl.  Ha!

Shortly thereafter, back at the Starter Castle, Shaun finds a video of Zach and his brother Gabe skateboarding and hamming it up for the camera and a surprisingly long distance, bridge crossing walkie-talkie.

The familiar static call of the walkie-talkie momentarily stops Zach from scribbling on the wall with a black Sharpie.  They have a short conversation - just long enough to keep the momentum going before the batteries blink out on Shaun's unit.  Notice the monochrome greyness of Zach's walls and the wee Red pen in the bedside jar.  As soon as they sign off Zach goes for the Red marker and literally begins to add some color into his life. 

Zach interrupts Shaun from writing a kick ass fight scene - which I really don't think is Shaun's genre - to go surfing.  I can't help but notice that Shaun's bathrobe is the same shade of blue that Zach used on the stencil art of his home.  Just thinkin' out loud ...

I love this shot of them looking for an inlet to Shaun's secret surfing hideout for two reasons:  One, they're both in each others wheelhouse of personal space and two, it shows Zach driving stick shift.  I have a longstanding and unexplainable affection for people who drive standard.  Something I have never been able to master.  I look at it as a personal and endearing quality.  If I was to describe Zach I would say he's a loving uncle, a talented artist and - I would smile here - he drives stick.  ::nods::

All that paddling around - and a couple personal revelations - makes them hungry.  Zach decides not to take a call from Tori prompting Shaun to ask if they're in limbo and to point out that he's not good at it.  More Shaun backstory is need here - immediately, if not sooner.  Who kept you in limbo, honey and for how long?  That sort of thing.  It makes me a little nervous for Shaun when Zach jokes that it takes practice but I'm going to let it go for now because if you've been watching the YouTube videos obsessively like I have then you'll notice that they're wearing their Make Out Cothes (tm pending) even though they don't know that yet.

They end up back at the Starter Castle, drinking more beer and laughing at stories of other people who were drunk.  Shaun takes note of Zach's sketch book which Zach doesn't let anyone look at.  Shaun, for all of his infinite patience turns out to be kinda grabby and ends up thumbing through it while Zach tries to down his beer in one swallow - just like they do at UCSanta Barbara.

When Shaun seems to understand that one drawing is about Cody, Zach explains that it was drawn after Cody had been scolded for something he didn't understand and came into Zach room where he has slept ever since. 

Then it's enough of that and they have a brief, although prerequisite, homoerotic tussling match where it looks like Zach is trying to pull Shaun on top of him.  (Love Zach's over-the-top laugh, like it's been dying to come out but there hasn't been any good reason for it.)  It's all fun and games until Zach beans Shaun in the Adams apple with his monster size middle finger ring.

Shaun's not one to hold a grudge though and takes a moment to reestablish the contact that the tussling started.  For all of Shaun's reaching out it's Zach who holds Shaun with his eyes.  Love Shaun's belly peeking out.

And then ...

... a series of kisses with Shaun moving his hand from Zach's neck, to his jaw, to his beating heart with a little nuzzle at the end.  Ay dios mio, these guys ...

They're both a little wrecked by it.  How about you?

The next morning Zach looks a little accusatory but he needs to rein that in because Shaun obviously kept his hands to himself.

Jeanne, who really shouldn't throw stones, has no compunction at all about giving Zach the stink-eye when he's a little late to take her to work.

The wheels really start turning though when Zach brings up the possibility of reapplying to Cal Arts, a school in LA he was unable to get a scholarship to attend.  She wastes no time pointing out that they already turned him down and that he shouldn't get his hopes up since they're having a hard time and she doesn't need Zach getting all down.  Jeanne's genius is her ability to say the most rotten things as if she's being completely reasonable.  It makes it almost impossible to fight back because the shit she says is so outlandish.

Cody, however, is infinitely more supportive.  So cute!

Zach gets all twitchy and defensive about his night with Shaun and backpeddles mightily by hanging out with Tori and Cody at the beach where he, of course, bumps into Shaun and then tries to dismiss him. 

And so, with the bridge to Shaun's house lit up and looming behind him Zach winds himself up ...

... until he's literally kicking at Shaun's door to get in.

Then it's Zach who's doing the kissing while Shaun tries to keep them from tumbling down the stairs.

Quick!  They won't be wearing these shirts for much longer so take note of how Shaun is wearing a t-shirt that looks like Zach tried to turn it into art ...

... and Zach is wearing  ...  Red.  Yeah.  I said it.

Having served their purpose the shirts are tossed aside while Shaun and Zach move on to trickier things like making out while navigating up stairs and undoing belts, buttons and zippers.  They make it look easy.  ::is impressed::

Once they hit the bed they begin a rousing game of RollingPin.

The really great thing about RollingPin is that it's a total Win-Win situation.  You win when you pin somebody ...

... and you win when you are pinned.

The next morning Zach is still a little skittish but tempers it with a couple reassuring touches as he gets up to go.

On the way home Zach nearly succumbs to his default position of worry and anxiety but the sweetness of the situation wins out and makes him smile.

(Total accident, I'm sure:  Red flowers in the background.)

Part 2 ==>

picspam, shelter

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