Morons & Technology

Jun 18, 2009 11:13

While I would NEVER count myself as an "expert" at anything today's day and age unless you are extremely technophobic or just satisfied that the TV remote is the ultimate technological breakthrough then you should make the effort to at least try to understand the techno gadgets you have chosen to have grafted on to your person in order to recognize a problem or their limitations.

Simply banging a preset number keystroke numerous times in rapid succession is not a good idea (here's a hint...if it didn't work the first time, the second or third..the likelihood of the 245th time will produce the same non result is a given).

Why is it that when a non-geek does something moronic it's always someone else's fault? I don't know how many times I've heard the complaint "My email isn't going through!!!" and being given a look that says "fix's your fault" only to find said person is trying to send a 60MB size file. When I try to explain (after deleting the file from the queue and solving the bottleneck) that they should really watch the file size I get the "hand wave" that says I'm too smart to bother figuring this out...that is until the next time (inevitably).

I believe the solution should be anyone that has consistently proven that they're a techno idiot should be banned from touching any advanced equipment and regulated to communicating through carrier pigeon, smoke signals and cups on a string, that way the rest of us can actually get some work done.

computer problem

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