Nov 03, 2001 16:53
Today was really peaceful, slept most of the day, went to a party and won my ghetto street football game ^.^ Yeah right now i'm doing just fine, time made me stronger. I once felt weak but now i'm getting used to this new feeling in my heart. Hehe i know one day it'll just be natural and it won't hurt any more. I won't try any more because when the time comes the one girl will magically slip into my life without me knowing it. Thats one of the beauty in life people don't put to notice. Ha! just getting mah edcamacation now, hehe damn Biology 100 BooOO. Starting to lift weights again, eating more now and running hella lot hahaha. Going to be in shape again, ahhhh waiting for my banes to come out haha. Third time i ever spiked up my hair, a miracle indeed lol. Well have to prepare for my presentation tomorrow and all those neat college things they want us to do hahahah. Its nice knowing everything is going to be okay, there is always happiness after the pain and saddness, its only if you ever choose to accept it.
- LiL T - I'm doing just fine...