Nov 02, 2001 19:53
I see my life in front of me, not more nothing less. A gift from above to cherish or to toss away. Life can be your friend or worst enemy, either one is your choice. *sigh* right now i'm learning to not cling on or to dwell on things that are gone. Today lets see i was racing 2 integ, a old honda and a prelude. It was fuN! lol, i saw "The One" it was alright too much Matrix effect tho, making it look Unreal!. hahaha well tomorrow i have to go to a football game O.o ahhhhh yaeh <---I'm the star receiver hahah. Yep my match is at 3 pm at ghetto Wilson. hahaah. I read a couple of past poems i wrote and i notice it was whoa heheh, i've improved on my poetic quotes and style, so i'm pretty much happy for now hehe. Ahhhh damn stupid movie history project, haha was sleeping on my keyboard, woke up around 4 in the morning with the words FSC imprinted on my head hahaha. Fixed up my accord interior and crap.
-LiL T.
*Times, Clock, Life, Locks