May 28, 2006 09:07
Well... as some of my friends are now aware - I got truly drunk for the first time last night... and while on the one hand, it was certainly an interesting experience - and I had a lot of fun in the process while spending time with my friends - I think that the vertigo I've had ever since is a bit less than fun.
So - what is the recipe that gets Troy hammered?
1 glass of Red Wine (at the 3/6 CAV Dining In)
2 Screwdrivers
4 (maybe 5) Smirnoff Ices (can't remember the exact count... I was drunk)
1 Beer (no clue what kind - but it's the only thing I can still taste this morning)
1 7-up & Vodka
A sip of a Manhattan
and who knows what else I drank while I wasn't paying attention.
Oddly enough - I won 2 different drawings in the same night, too... a $30.00 gift certificate for AAFES and a T-Shirt with "Miller Lite" on it and a bunch of football players. lol - beer and football - 2 things which are about as far from my daily lifestyle as possible. Needless to say, I'm proudly wearing the shirt and enjoying the irony.
More to come.