Questions posed by Dominyk - Who would you rather be: aloof champion of good or a lovable loser?
- How do you like your new job.
- Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or a Vampire?
- What is one thing you would change about yourself that you can't?
- Who is your hero?
So, maybe I overthink things… Let’s see.
- Aloof Champion of Good is what I tend to gravitate towards. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, Aloof is to be ”Distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote: stood apart with aloof dignity.” This makes me feel more like the lone wolf that I actually do strive for at times. I know it doesn’t seem that way, but I’ve often viewed myself as one that uses my extrovertedness to keep people from getting too close. I love people, and knowing more about them. However, I’m not so sure that I want everyone to know me as well as I know them. One of my many flaws, I know… but that’s the way I’ve rolled for well over 20 years, and there are very few that actually know me.
- I love the new job. So far the people I’ve met with are awesome. The project that I’m working on will be really cool, and as it is, I’m still learning what it is I’ll be doing. Suffice it to say, that it will be a lot of fun to learn how to make the product really appealing to the end-user and thus make their job easier to do, so that our livelihood will be better. This is one of those things where I actually feel that if I can do my job well, I will be a big piece of a much larger puzzle that is really neat. I’m getting used to the commute, though, which has been taking it’s toll on me… These days, I’ve been known to travel to the potty first which triples my distance to my terminal.
- Alas, I know how the fight would go… Chuck Norris would start the fight, and he would initially lose. However in that struggle, he would have been bitten or transformed into a super vampire and thereby win in the subsequent battles, including the revenge grudge match in the final showdown. Due to his tears that can not only cure cancer but bring humanity back to the soul-less creatures, he would be so moved by some act of kindness that he would actually cry… a first for those that know why we have no cure for cancer, and heal his own flesh and thereby regain his humanity, and mortality, and once again become a true champion of the world that he undoubtedly is.
- With all of the advances in modern medicine and science, I’m not sure there are anythings I can’t change about me that I would want to. Now, things that I refuse to change, that is another subject that I think would be closer to the original intent of this question. I want to “want” that perfect life. I sometimes wish that I would be able to be happy with the stereotypical perfect world that seems so simplistic, free and liberating. I wish that the most simple things in this world would satisfy my curiosity and keep me happy without having to know what was going on to make it tick. I wish that all I needed was the love of a good woman to keep me happy in all things. But alas, I want to know what makes the world run… I want knowledge, I want to explore and I want to learn. I want a woman that wants to achieve her goals and wants to see and view the world with me… not one that will be a subservient follower of “whatever you like.” SO in essence, by answering this question, I think I did find something that I can’t change. But in truth, I wouldn’t really want to change who I am or what I want, because let’s face it I really do like who I am… even if to some people I am the devil.
- My hero… Tough question. As sad as it is… My hero is humanity. There are some people that I admire, and some that I like to think about emulating and in the mundane world, after some of the stories I’ve heard, Greylond would be up there, but that has little to do with SCA, but what he does for real. However, Humanity is my true hero because even under the most dire of consequences and the most inanne, stupid shit that is done to it, it still comes back and fights, and continues forward. The power and strength of our humanity is unmatched in any story, parable, or legend. It has made some horrendous mistakes, some of which may never receive full restitution and forgiveness, but it perseveres, and in that same regard, I will always try to do the same… Only with fewer mistakes… and when I do make them, I will do my best to own up to them.
How’s that for answers Part 1?