Aug 13, 2007 01:38
Updating from a hotel in South Dakota.
The internship is over. I handed in my keys, cleared out whatever desk they were letting me use that day, and packed my stuff up for the road. It wasn't very bittersweet, as it was a good internship. Didn't really connect with anyone, so I wasn't too bummed about leaving.
Driving back with Grandmother and Aunt has been interesting, as always. Introduced Darcie to the comic 'Scalped', and she seems to like it.
Still considering various plans of action and attack upon my return to Missoula...things are going to get hectic and confusing fast.
I wish I could flesh thoughts out better, but I'm damn tired from being in an enclosed space with questionable levels of oxygen.
Also, I bought tickets for a White Stripes and Smashing Pumpkins concert in Utah. Going with two friends. Expecting debauchery levels closing in on Fear and Loathing. But how debaucherous can it get if we're simply setting cash aside for booze and opiates, rather then just spending food and gas money on them?