meme: best moments in my fic

Sep 15, 2013 15:39

funniest moment in a fic

Shouldn't come as a surprise that this one goes to the Chuck fandom. I mean, I'd have been doing something wrong if it hadn't.

In John Casey: Best Practice Guide To Coming Out, the guide recommends caution as some people might react scared to your coming out as gay:

“I knew he was hiding something. I knew it,” Lester hissed. “Do you have any idea how bad this is? This can only be his first step in a nefarious recruitment plan. Three days and he’ll have made us his bitches!”

“Rawr,” Jeff said, licking his lips. “Looking forward to it.”

most suspenseful moment in a fic

Oooh, hard. I hope I do my suspense well, but it's hard to narrow it down to one moment. Hmm. This one hopefully makes you sit up and wonder what's next, though it's otherwise a very sad moment in the fic. It's from To Thine Own Self Be True, the otherwise pretty bad translation of a Harry Potter fic of mine in which Kingsley Shacklebolt falls for Sirius Black in homophobic Wizarding England. It's set during OotP, and Sirius has just died.

They raised their glasses, saying how loyal a comrade, how doting a godfather Sirius Black had been. Dedicating the whole last year of his life into the service of the Order. Dying for the Order and for Harry Potter. He might not have always followed orders, but that was only because all his actions had been ruled by his concern for Harry. He’d fought for the Order in the first war, and he would have done so again.

Those were empty words, Kingsley thought, his eyes burning fiercely. Again, those were the words of people who wanted to feel good about themselves without acting the part - who were still telling themselves that the world was a fair place, who maybe were thinking, in a corner of their mind, that it wasn’t bad, being rid of this problem. Or maybe they just didn’t know what they were talking about. Maybe they hadn’t known Sirius at all.

They should have said that Sirius Black had been a passionate, a proud man. The first man to escape from Azkaban, the first Gryffindor amongst the Blacks, the best student of Alastor Moody. They should have called him the powerful, dangerous wizard and duelist he still had been, true to his ideals and loyal until death.

He’d been stubborn and determined. He had adopted his best friend’s child as if he was his own son, although he hadn’t seen him for thirteen years. He’d played Wizarding poker like you wouldn’t believe, and at seventeen, he had charmed the Quidditch pitch up in the air, making an eleven-year-old stare in awe, never forgetting the sight. He had hated being useless, never understanding that he was useful to his friends just by being back. He had hated Grimmauld Place 12. He had hated hiding. He never would have hidden from anything, except to protect others, except to prove that he could.

“He was gay,” Kingsley heard himself say.

saddest moment in a fic

Yeah, I could have put the one above here. Sorry, THG peeps, but Finnick dying has nothing on Sirius for me. (am I a terrible person for actually having liked the bit where Finnick bits rained down on Kat?)

Here, this moment from my X-Men/E.R. crossover Allegiance is one of the saddest moments for me, when Ray uses the words "not abusive" and "he beat me up" in the same breath, especially considering that this is a conflict he never manages to resolve in the fic, he just keeps carrying it inside of him:

"My father found out when the school called him," he said. He didn't have to explain what he'd found out. "I hadn't bothered hiding it in school. It was one of these things, you know? Way to show off for the girls." His chuckle sounded shaky. "It hadn't even occurred to me that the teachers would care enough to call my parents. I hadn't thought it through."

Automatically, Neela reached out to - touch him, maybe, or take his hand. But he wasn't looking at her and didn't see, and she stopped in mid-motion, retreating her hand. The impact of his words was just too enormous. "What did he do?"

"He beat me up, of course." It came out flippantly, but Neela still swallowed hard. There was an assumption in that answer, one about how the world worked, that told Neela things she would never have guessed. Ray's grimace was pained as he struggled for words. "Mom stayed out of it. She always did. It wasn't like... It was just something he did, but it had never been bad. Not abusive. Just a little rough, you know?" But he was rubbing his arm, an unconscious nervous gesture, and looking off into space. "But that day, he... I thought he'd kill me." His breath hitched. "He told me he would have killed me the day I was born, if he'd known..."

His voice died, as if he'd abruptly run out of air and as if, maybe, there'd never be enough air for those words.

But Sirius' memorial service from above is still pretty damn sad.

crackiest moment in a fic

While little can beat the line, "The day the Admiral forbade Lt. Gaeta to star in any more porn movies was a day of great sadness in the Fleet." this one should go to my one attempt at BSG RPF crack, wherein Alessandro Juliani is haunted by a Head!James Callis who has appeared out of thin air to ... lend a hand:

Oh God the hallucination was right. AJ had conjured it up because he felt attracted to James. There was no other explanation. AJ still didn’t feel particularly inclined towards sex with James specifically but still here James was, conjured up by AJ’s subconscious, and there had to be a reason for that. It was either this, or he’d gone to that bad place feared by all actors, the one where you thought television was real and your life was fiction. That made a frightening amount of sense, too, considering James was suddenly in his head like a Six. Oh God no. Not that. He’d rather be closet gay.

AJ decided that he’d much prefer having a super secret gay crush on James Callis over losing his mind. Gay crushes were okay. Gay crushes could happen to anybody.

Especially in Canada.

Of course, the whole fic was super cracky to begin with.

most romantic moment in a fic

Hard, too. So not my specialty. Okay, let's do the safe option with the ending of How to live and love as an amputee, by Brendan Costanza because that one at least doesn't have any subversions of romantic tropes in it that I'm so fond of.

“About frakking time?” [Felix] repeated, stifling a laugh.

“Sure was,” Brendan muttered unabashedly, kissing the crook of his neck, arms wrapping tighter around Felix, hands steady on his back. “How about I stay the night? That okay, too?” he added quietly.

Felix gave an agreeable sigh, nuzzling against Brendan. He wasn’t in a hurry to move, and it would by no means be acceptable if Brendan left any time soon. He knew they should probably go on taking things slow, as hard as that might prove to be at this point but he also knew for sure that it would all work out eventually. More so, Felix was madly glad about everything he could look forward to in that respect. And right now, he wanted to hold Brendan closer.

About frakking time, he thought with a smile.

hottest moment in a fic

Huh. There was a surprisingly hot Ray/Neela moment in Allegiance considering they both had their clothes on, and there's my Chuck fic "Poke" which was a PWP so there's that... Uh. I have a fondness for this one from Keeping Count though that might mostly be because I have a thing for Dee.

The second time around, she's on top. It's a position she used to dislike, feeling conscious of Lee's eyes on her breasts, of trying to figure out what motion would make Billy writhe under her more, forever supressing every hitch. Now, one of her hands is on Noel's shoulder, another one is on his chest, holding him firmly in place while small jerks of her hips tease tiny lightning bolts of pleasure through her stomach. She’s burning, all around his cock, and burning up.

Noel’s breath is hitched and becoming more so, getting off on playing with her nipples. It’s strange, taking what she wants while he does so as well, but pleasure has long turned her vision into bleeding, thought-killing red.

She's never known that sex could be like this before.

She's never known that it could work like this. None of the books she’s read have said.

creepiest moment in a fic

There is only one choice for this category and that is my BSG remix on how Cavil killed Shelley Godfrey. Not my favorite fic otherwise but, I wrote it right after reading American Psycho so there.

Not gonna quote because the whole thing is a little icky overall and I don't want to dump that on people who aren't in the mood. It's all with the sexualized psychopathy and symbolic killing of your mother while aroused.

...yeah, I know.

best foreshadowing in a fic

I've never had a firm grasp on the concept of foreshadowing, because it sounds so flimsy. I look at fic more like at a piece of architecture, where you have to build the foundation first to be able to erect the first floor, second floor, balconies and so forth. So I find this hard actually.

Hm, I've talked about the way Finnick tends to observe Haymitch in Spin Control at length, but still I'm pleased about how he's so aware of Haymitch in a physical way and how he connects Haymitch's looks to so many positive things long before he starts feeling attracted to him. Chapter 7:

The Twelve stylist had taken more care with Haymitch than Finnick had ever seen. If he was paler than a man should be in summer, make-up was covering it up. He’d lost more weight, and what remained of his proud beer belly had been smartly smoothed out by his clothes. But Finnick still thought that he looked nothing like the starved district populations, nothing like a Capitol citizen with discount liposuctions. He still, defiantly, looked unique.

best cliffhanger in a fic

I'm actually gonna just point at the whole of "How to live as an amputee..." here because when I wrote this very internal fic, I was so worried that it would be boring that I made a point of phrasing every scene in such a way that there wouldn't be any tension relief. I didn't want there to be a one moment where you would think, "Oh, excellent time to pause for a moment and make myself some coffee." So this isn't the most suspenseful fic ever but I still tried with the cliffhangers.

happiest moment in a fic

Hahah, we all know this one can't go to the THG or BSG fandom. That would break the fandom constitution. Though then again, it means more if the characters have suffered more before they got to be happy, right? Ah well. The incredibly kinky ending of Poke:

Chuck makes a small sound, thinking he'd be okay capping just about anything off like that. Because there's everything that needs saying in that kiss: Thank you and I appreciate the effort and I can't wait to do it again on that really cool chair you got me when it wasn't even my birthday.

It says, I love you loud and clear, reminding Chuck that I-statements are overrated, anyway.

"Bring a thermometer next time," John says just a minute later.

Chuck smiles.

best gory moment in a fic

I'm gonna point at "Five Things Cavil Cherished About Killing Shelley Godfrey" again and not quote, remembering how people told me it gave them nausea.

best moment of character development in a fic

Oooh, so hard. There's an obvious one in Moss On The Ruins:

“Because you die in the Games, either way,” Finnick said. “Because if Niko does get back, he’ll spend the rest of his life slutting himself out.”

“Being raped doesn’t make you a slut,” Haymitch said.

Finnick flinched so hard that it hurt him inside.

Haymitch kept watching him.

Finnick wished he wouldn’t.

...which is a turning point in the fic when Finnick starts accepting that he's a victim, that the things happening to him are not his doing. It's a pivotal point in the fic, everything evolves around it.

However, there's actually a fic that I wrote which barely anybody ever read, which was called People and it was meant to be commentary on the unquestioned misogyny depicted in the movie X-Men: First Class. In this story, Moira McTaggert struggles to get over Professor X in a, uh, very sparse way, and I've always had a special fondness for this fic although it's probably not the prettiest in terms of language. But also it's one of my few femmeslash fics in my whole life, so.

Moira stares at her image in the mirror long and hard before she moves and - carefully - applies another smear of lipstick.

Not for him, she reminds herself firmly. But for myself.

The mutants need somebody to take their side. She refuses to give up on the right thing because one of them turned out to be an ass.

There's a battle waiting for her every day.

That was long! And those are mine. What are yours? We need more fic talk again. :)

writing meta

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