Nov 03, 2004 10:29
I woke up this morning and felt the entire world shudder. For as long as I live I will not understand how something so deeply foul could have taken place. How a leader could get more popular votes now, after having proven himself to be the most despised president in the history of the United States, is beyond my comprehension. He did WORSE in the 2000 election before most of the world even began to despise him. This just doesn’t add up in my mind. This points to something being profoundly wrong with this country, something severely fucked up with the majority of its citizens, more than I had ever previously imagined.
It worries me beyond words where this decision will take us. Thinking about the next four years leaves a hollow icy wound in the pit of my stomach. It worries me what we’ll let this man get away with. What will it take for us to see how dangerous he is? Apparently more than what he’s already done. And aside from W himself, now that the neo-conservative Republicans have such an iron grip on the Senate, we can kiss moving forward goodbye. Sorry gays, your rights are out the window. Sorry women, say farewell to your right to choose. Sorry all you sick people, stem cell research? What is stem cell research?
I’m not a seer but I see a Dark Age descending upon the land. The Bush Administration is the new Black Plague. We were so close to advancing in so many areas that would have improved not only our physical lives, but our civil liberties as well, and now we’re set back, I’d guess, by at LEAST another decade now. God help us, I HOPE I’m wrong.
And if the country was divided before this election, it will become even more divided in the coming years. I shudder to think where this country will be in 2008.
I’m going to give serious thought to jumping ship. I don’t like where I see us headed. It’s scary. The majority of this country’s ethics and morals are so askew with reality, I really don’t know if I want my kids to have to grow up in such a place. I am beginning to believe more and more that November 2nd 2004 was the day The United States of America began its Fall. I hope I’m wrong, I hope I am just being overly pessimistic. But I do believe the days will get darker as the months go on.
Canada has always had the cooler flag anyway.