such and such

Jun 16, 2009 15:20

I'm supposed to be working right now...SHHHHH!
So I totally forgot how much better I sleep with a glass of wine before bedtime! I was out like a rock...I was happy...BTW: Here are some of my favorite quotes from
"Obama is the anti-Christ and his mission is to destroy America. Smile at your face and stab you in the back.....that's the democrap M.O.."
"Can liberals be fit parents? Think about it. Liberals are
pro-death, anti-life,
pro-Satan, anti-God,
pro-gay, pro-pervert, anti-family, anti-marriage,
communist sympathizers, terrorist sympathizers,
pro-tyranny, anti-freedom.
And they raise their children that way! That's child abuse, plain and simple! Now doesn't the state simply have a legal obligation to immediately remove these children from ongoing child abuse, and for the sake of their mental health, place them in foster care with nice conservative families?Can there even be a debate about this? Isn't this abundantly clear to any rationally thinking individual?"
"I'm not saying there should be a test on who can have children. I'm just saying certain irresponsible types of behavior that we consider lifestyle choice in adults are child abuse when enforced in children.
Think about it.
Adults are free to practice sex as often as they like, but making children take, umm, "practical lessons" is clear child abuse.
Adults are free to hate themselves or anyone else, but making children have low self-esteem or hate other people is mental child abuse.
Likewise, adults are free to practice unnatural sex (sodomy, incest, or even bestiality), but teaching children to practice that kind of sex is child abuse.
Adults are free to like dictatorship, terrorism and the like, but making children like it is mental child abuse.
Adults are even free to deny God and worship Satan, no matter how ungodly it sounds, but making children worship Satan is child abuse.
That's what I'm saying. Liberals are free to practice their perverted lifestyle (see above) 24/7, but making their children adopt the same lifestyle is child abuse."

"I read recently on wikipedia on the demographics in the United States and it said that Muslim immigration to The United states has INCREASED since 2005.
Let me get this straight, we were attacked on 9-11 by Islamic radicals, we constantly hear of terror threats against the US, we learned through waterboarding [OH, EXCUSE ME TORTURE] that Islamic terrorists were planning on attacking Los Angeles several years ago but we foiled that plot thankfully, we hear of how radical Islamists are causing friction all over Europe in the Netherlands, Great Britain etc. and muslim immigration has increased!!! Is it just me or is this completly INSANE!!!!!!! Hispanic illegal immigration is ridiculous in and of itself but at least they can say we are not running around yealing JIHAD and threatening to blow up buildings here, how can we expect to convince our governmemnt to seal our borders from illegal hispanics [oh and by the way some terrorists!] when we legally allow people from a part of the world and from a religion that actually hates and is ideologically against everything we stand for and is partly responsible for the worst terrorist attack in US history!! This is insane, we MUST MUST MUST stop this insanity before we not only get attacked again [possibly nuclear] but we lose our Christian culture, how ridiculous does everyone else think this is!"

"It's what the "gay" agenda all boils down to. They want the right to corrupt anyone, of any age to their life style. The homosexual life is wicked and deceitful. It is that plain and simple. They call it their "rights." But they want the right to supress and destroy anything that calls upon morality, because they know in the deepest part of the conscience, their lifestyle
is immoral.
Should we as Conservatives call for harm or action against them. No, their Creator, the Judeo-Christian God of Heaven and Earth will handle that when the time comes. We, as Conservatives should simply stand upon moral principle and insure we elect like minded people to legislate laws of the land to withstand the tide of their society murdering lusts."

So times....which one is your favorite...Personally I think they all sound pretty stupid, but the one about liberal parents might offend me the most...that's just me though
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