I hate working around the holiday, there is practically no one in my office or any other ADT office it seems. All of the Marshals are on vacation as well. I have nothing to do and no calls to make or receive. But I am stuck here anyway. :-p
Tomorrow, however, I will be on my way to Alabama. Yep, I'm going back to the land without 7-Elevens. I have to like my boy an awful lot...but it will be New Year's and I have this funny urge to kiss him at midnight and all.
I am so glad Christmas is over. No more skirting around the issue that the holidays sucked cause Grandma wasn't there. I did have a decent time though, cause it felt like every other day and not Christmas. I hung out with my niece and played lots of video games, went out drinking with my best buds from the old days, and played trivial pursuit with my bro Jerry and sis-in-law Lori until our brains were mush. My mommy and Tyr got me a very cool digital camera so now I can post pics in my lj (if I ever post).
But in better news, I finally get to travel for work. This January will be my first trip ever. Too bad I get to go to the pits of California, El Centro to be exact. But I'll get to do an official walk-through and as-installed Statement of Work on a brand new courthouse. I can't wait. That and I don't have to pay for anything while I'm there! Wohoo for free stuff!
Well, I'm bored with this too. Back to trying to look busy at least...