(no subject)

Oct 30, 2005 14:14

Title: Spellbound
Pairing: Faith/Willow
Rating: PG
Timeline: High School.
Summary: “Spell? This ain’t no spell, Wil, this is called sex. I can see how you might get them confused.”
Willow, jealous of the time Buffy and Faith spend together, attempts a spell to make the new Slayer leave.
Notes: Written for kittbeenbad, who wanted magic, leather, a fight. There is magic, there is certainly leather pants, if you squint, there is a fight.
Part of femslash_minis's Willow Round.
My Sekrit Intarweb Beta is happy that I finally wrote something that has some action, instead of lots of thinking.
Some days I really hate my Sekrit Intarweb Beta.
Length: 1213 words.

Willow doodled on the side of her paper, not really listening to the teacher at all. She looked at the empty spot where Buffy was supposed to sit, and tried not to be hurt. She knew where Buffy was. Out someplace, recovering from another evening of slaying and partying with That Girl, as Willow was beginning to call her in her head. Maybe she and Faith were together right now, eating ice cream and talking about boys, and whatever else the two Slayer Girls did together.

Willow tried not to picture it, but it was hard not to. She’d spent a lot of nights like that with Buffy, talking about life and love and Xander and everything. Buffy was her best friend, and she’d never had one of those before. Well, Xander, but he was different. She and Buffy could paint their nails and eat ice cream and talk about boys.

But now she was doing all that with That Girl, and Willow was left behind. Again.

I hate Faith. She wrote it carefully, in block letters, then quickly erased it. Writing such things would just cause problems. She knew she should be better, should be happy that Buffy had found a friend that finally really understood her and what being the Chosen One was all about. Willow couldn’t understand it at all. It wasn’t like being a Witch, because people could be Witches, but it was kinda like being a Witch, she guessed…

Being a Witch.

With spells and stuff…

The bell rang for the end of class, and Willow walked carefully towards the library, thinking about the spell in her head. It would be so simple. She could just… make a little spell. One that wouldn’t do anything really permanent. Nothing hard. Just… it would make Faith stop being with Buffy all the time. Faith could… move on to some other friend, and she and Buffy could go back to being themselves again, and it would be all okay.

Willow even imagined what kind of ice cream they’d get afterwards, when Faith was gone.

She lay the spell out carefully, trying to create it in a way that wouldn’t really do anything bad per se, but would get rid of Faith. Faith in a happy way, so that she wasn’t dead or hurt or miserable. Making Faith find a new person that she was obsessed with, that she would love. Someone who would make Faith happy.

The parameters set, Willow cast the spell quickly, sitting alone in her room that night, and hoped for the best. She felt the spell pull the energy out of her, felt it leaving, and knew she had done the right thing. She lay down on her bed, certain that in the morning, everything would be back to the way it was supposed to be, and Faith would be gone.

Things didn’t quite work out that way.

Before Willow had quite drifted off to sleep, she heard the knocking at her window. Confused, she crawled out of bed and looked out.

Faith. Standing on her windowpane. Without thinking, Willow opened the window, convinced something bad must have happened to Buffy, and Faith needed her help. She helped Faith into the room, and quickly closed the window behind her.

“What’s happened, is Buffy okay?”

“B? Oh, yeah, B’s fine, Wil. Relax. I just wanted to see you.”

Willow blinked. “You wanted to… see me? You don’t like me.”

Faith stretched, showing off her toned body, and Willow couldn’t help but notice her tight leather pants, and the way her legs moved as she walked. It was distracting, and she once again had to wonder if she was different than others girls, or if they all looked at each other like this.

“Of course I like you, Wil. I’ve just been… you know… sharing that Slayer Gig thing with B. But, I couldn’t help thinking about you tonight, and after B went home, I thought I’d come over… and see you….”

Oh no. Oh no. The spell, Willow thought. The spell was supposed to make Faith go away, not find another reason to stay! She couldn’t do this, couldn’t be friends with Faith now, she hated Faith, wanted her to go away, not… not…

Not reach out and stroke her cheek, certainly.

Willow felt her skin tingle where Faith touched her, and closed her eyes for a moment. “I… my parents, they’re asleep, so we should be quiet.”

“Oh? Pity,” Faith said, reaching up a hand to touch Willow’s hair. “I’d really like to make some noise, you know?”

“N-n-n-o, I don’t kn-n-n-no what you mean….”

“I think you do. I’ve seen you watching me, watching B. I think you’d like to make some noise, too.” Faith’s voice was low, sexy, and Willow felt her whole body relax, felt herself leaning towards Faith, wanting so much to taste her lips, taste her tongue, to feel-

“No, wait!” Willow squeaked, pushing herself away from Faith so violently that she fell back onto the bed while Faith fell towards the desk.

“What is it?” Faith asked, recovering quickly and moving towards Willow on the bed. She moved with cat-like grace, crawling her way up the bed towards Willow, and Willow could feel her breasts skimming over her pajamas, and wanted so much to feel that on her skin, to have Faith’s head and tongue between her tights, to feel her breasts, to kiss her, to do all the things she had fantasized about, and she was certain Faith would let her. Let her do it all, do more than it all, would… would…

Faith kissed her, entirely breaking her train of thought. It was hungry, it was demanding, it wasn’t the sharing that Willow wanted, but a taking, and for a moment, she wanted that too.

Faith broke away, and grinned down at her. But before she could say anything else, Willow quickly spoke. “It’s the spell!”

“Spell? This ain’t no spell, Wil, this is called sex. I can see how you might get them confused.”

“No, no, I cast a spell, and it was supposed to-“ Willow stopped. She couldn’t admit what the spell was supposed to do. “It was supposed to, uh, make me strong, like a slayer, and I must have done it wrong, and now I’ll just-“

Faith was staring at her as though she’d grown an extra head, and Willow felt about two inches all. “Break it, or I’ll break you,” Faith hissed, and Willow knew in that moment that not only could Faith do it, she would, and think nothing more of it.

“I-just a moment, I’ll-“ She pushed herself out of bed, closed her eyes for a moment, and chanting quickly the spell to break the other one. She felt the magic once again sweep through her, and could feel the cord snapping inside her.

She looked at Faith, who was staring at her. “Don’t play with me like that. Ever again.” Then she was gone, out the window so fast Willow didn’t even see her open it.

Willow closed her eyes and felt herself begin to shake. It had been the spell that had made her act like that, made her feel attracted to Faith like that.


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